Extra Stuff
1)Luck Soap = 3 parts vetivert, 1 part
orange, 1 part nutmeg-Combine everything with
liquid soap or melted castile soap. Wash to bring
positive energies into your life.
2)Business Success Oil = Use with
spells to increase your business or carry stones or
other objects anointed with the oil. Blend equal
parts-High John The Conqueror,
commanding, clover, bergamot, balm of gilead.
3)Potion For Friendship = 1 cup dried
apple slices, 2 cups blueberries, 1/4 cup
leaves-Blend these to a mixture you can serve
whenever you want to serve something
special. Prepare like tea, add lemon juice and
honey before serving.
4)A Love Sell = A small pot, basil
seeds, rich soil(some your loved one has walked in)
-Sow the seeds in the pot thinking loving thoughts
about your love. Put the pot in a warm
place and water frequently. Eventually the person
will start to show feelings for you.
5)Herbal Smoke Spell = An incense
burner, instant-light charcoal, dried rose
petals/yarrow-When the smoke from the incense
rises, visualize your lovers face in the
smoke or glowing coals. Whisper over and over-
"Magick herbs, burn in fire, bring to me,
my hearts desire."
6)Creativity(Oil/Incense) = Good
mixture for inspiration and artistic efforts-Dry
ground coffee, ginger, clove, verbena, hyssop.
7)Divorce Spell = Take both wedding
rings to a place that has movement(a river),
toss both rings in together, saying;"I release us
from each other, fare thee well and
fare me well, let us go our seperate ways, in
peace and with mutual regard, let us each find
true love, let us each find happiness, fare thee
well and fare me well, so mote it be!"
8)Divination(Oil/Incense) = This
formula is excelent for workings that require
through deception to get to the truth of the
matter-Patchouli and wormwood.
9)Morgana's Properity Powder = 1 cup
cedar shavings, 1 Tsp. cinnamon, 1 Tbsp. pine
needles, 1 pinch dragon's blood herb, gold,
silver, green glitter-Mix all except glitter,
grind into a powder. Add glitter, mix well. Use in
spell or alone.
10)Witch Bottle = Get a jar with a lid.
Fill 1/2 way with sharp objects(pins, needles,
Fill jar with holy water(mix of salt & water). Put
top on securely. Bury jar 12 inches
underground.(This is for protection).
11)Witch's Toddy = 2 Tbsp. fennel
leaves, 1 cup milk, 2 Tbsp. honey, 1 or 2 tears
1 Tsp. unsalted butter-Put the fennel in a pot
with 1/2 cup water and bring to a boil.
Squeeze out a few tears and remaining ingredients
into pot. Stir till butter melts. Serve
warm in a red cup.
12)Levitation = A rod/staff, a place to
be alone, a crystal(white/obsidian)-First perform
a cleansing ritual. Place crystal on the ground in
front of you. Hold rod/staff out in front
of you horizontally. Recite;"As stone is to earth,
so staff is to stone, death and rebirth,
heart and bone, may light fly, I call away stone,
I summon you sky, call me on."-
Visualize as you see fit, the pulling and pushing.
Now levitate.
13)Spell Binder = Use this at the end
of a spell to add an extra "Ooomph" to releasing
energy. "By the pentagram I wear, water, fire,
earth and air, ruled by spirit as all should be,
as I speak, so mote it be!"
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