Colors Used For Hex Signs
1)White = Was considered an all-purpose
color and normally used for backgrounds
signifying the universe or purity of mind, much
like the clean slate of a blackboard.
This is the same aspect that one seeks before
beginning meditation. White also
symbolizes the power of the moon and the feminine
aspect of life, as well as the
element of water. White allows energies to flow.
2)Red = Back to the old symbolism here
of power and the sacred blood of kings,
sacrifice, passion and strength. A good
representation of the element of fire, whether
you are thinking of power, charisma, lust or
3)Yellow = Traditional meanings here-
sun, fertility, connection to the God form,
health in mind and body.
4)Black = Another traditional
interpretation here is the one protection. Black
really not a color at all, but thye absence of
light and pigment-A perfect choice
to use as a thread to bind things together.
5)Blue = Heavenly blue refers to the
connection to God/Divinity, spirituality and
peace. Some times represents the element air.
6)Violet = Represents those things that
are sacred and at the highest spiritual level.
7)Green = Fertility; things and ideas
that grow and prosper. Success. A good
representation of the earth element.
8)Orange = Career and matters involving
needed success and abundance of
projects that have already begun. A link to solar
aspects as well.
9)Brown = Friendship and strength.
Found mostly on signs dealing with agriculture
and earth elements.
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