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1)Flower Meanings & Uses = Fidelity,
bonds of love, promotes joy, relieves depression,
works well in efforts to increase psychic
awareness, finances, good luck.

2)Oil Meanings & Uses = Money, riches,
psychic awareness, clairvoyance, divination,
creativity, good luck, love, prosperity,

3)Herb Meanings & Uses = Good luck,
money, wealth, psychic ability, depression
management, heartbreak management, protection.

4)Incense Meanings & Uses = Burn for
good health, luck, psychic power, money, love.

5)Friendship Oil = 4 Drops honeysuckle
oil, 2 drops basil, 1 ounce almond oil, 2 drops
spearmint oil, 1 sprig fresh spearmint-Mix all
together and place in bottle. Use on cards
or letters to friends.

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