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"Love's Dream Keys

1)Acorn(Shaking From A Tree) = A
successful relationship.

2)Air(Cold) = A similary cold domestic

3)Alabaster = A forthcoming marriage.

4)Amethyst(Losing) = A failure affair
or relationship.

5)Banana = An uninteresting or
unexciting mate.

6)Bird(Caged) = A wealthy marriage.

7)Burr = A possessive lover or tangled

8)Camping = A lover who has trouble
with commitment.

9)Charity = A deceitful rival.

10)Deer = A pure, deep friendship.

11)Dishes(Stacked) = A successful

12)Eye = Appearance of a rival in love.

13)Fear = A reason to doubt a

14)Garbage = A friend or lover who
deserts you.

15)Knife(Broken) = A defeat in love.

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