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More Angel Wings

1)Never fear, Angels are here.

2)No matter how much trouble
you have believing in angels,
they still believe in you.

3)Peace is possible-Allow angels to inspire you.

4)Protected by angels

5)Remember to leave space in your relationship
so the angels have room to play.

6)Sometimes angels treat you as though you were
the most wonderful person in the world.

7)Sometimes even the littlest wishes come true.

8)The angel within us is our gift.

9)The sound of an angel's voice
can unlock your hidden feelings.

10)To angels you are special, because you are you.

11)We believe in angels.

12)When a child is born the angels sing.

13)When in doubt, look up angels light the way.

14)Whenever we feel we are seeing
someone's soul unmasked,
that's the angel in us seeing the angel in them.
It's as close as we can be to one another.

15)Angels keep going long after everyone else has given up.

16)Angels take themselves lightly.

17)After all, we are angels in training,
all we have to do is spread our wings and fly.

18)An angel does not give up or give in. He just gives.

19)An angel does not run away from life, he flies towards it.

20)An angel is as an angel does.

21)An angel is someone you feel like you've
known forever even though you've just met.

22)Angels are the guardians of hope and wonder,
the keepers of magick and dreams.

23)Angels are with you every step of the way
and help you soar with amazing grace.

24)Angels at work...Prepare for random miracles.

25)Angels....Don't leave home without them.

26)Beware....Angels at play.

27)Guardian angels hear my prayer,
keep me in your loving care.

28)Out of difficulties grow miracles.

29)Protected by angels.

30)Remember to leave space in your relationships
so angels have room to play angel.

31)Whenever you feel lonely,
a special angel drops by for tea.

32)Whenever there is love, an angel is flying by.

33)You can never fail when you are
in line with the angel in you.

34)You're a heavenly friend
you're an angel.

35)Your guardian angel helps you find a place
when you feel there is no place to go.

36)Your guardian angel knows you inside and out,
and loves you just the way you are.

37)angels often see you accomplishing your goals
before you can see it yourself.

38)Angels rarely wait for thanks.

39)Angels stand by you even
in the darkest hours of your life.

40)Angels trust that we each have
our own runway & will take off on schedule.

41)Peace is possible...
Allow angels to inspire you.

42)Though our greatest acts may go unrecognized,
they are always heralded by angels.

43)To every joyous event comes a choir of angels.

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