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1)Magickal Moon Incense = 1 Tsp.
Frankincense, 1 Tsp. White Sandalwood. Grind
together and burn on self-igniting charcoal.

2)Purification Incense = 1 Tbsp. Pine
Needles, 1 Tbsp. Juniper, 1 Tbsp. Cedar.
Grind together and burn on self-igniting charcoal.

3)Toning Splash = 18 Drops Lemon Grass,
2 Drops Basil, 5 Drops Sage, 3 Drops Black
Pepper, 3 Drops Patchouli.

4)Fruity Splash = 10 Drops Orange, 5
Drops Lemon, 10 Drops Mandarin, 5 Drops

5)Love Candle Oil = Half Tbsp. Rose
Oil, Half Tbsp. Honeysuckle Oil, 1 and
Half Tbsp. Almond Oil, 1 and Half Tsp. Musk Oil, 1-
2 Drops Benzoin Tincture.
Mix together in a non-metal bowl.

6)Spell To Charge Tea = Over the tea,
move your hand in a clockwise direction
3 times and say-"I am the tool, you are the fire,
fill this cup, with all desire.
"-Swirl tea in the cup and drink it.

7)Maternity Spell = Obtain a bag of
sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. At the new
moon, eat 5 of each. Continue eating them until
the next full moon. If not
pregnant before next new moon, start spell again.

8)To Protect Kids While Traveling = As
your children are departing, toss a handful
of clean, fresh soil or sand after them without
their knowledge. The power of
the earth will help bring them home safely.

9)Happy House Charm = Make a small
pillow. Stuff it with; sage and sandalwood
for blessing and protection, lavender for domestic
tranquility, rose petals to
honor love, vervain for bright witchery and a
couple drops of cinnamon oil.

10)Money Sachet = Patchouli, clove,and
cinnamon and 3 silver coins-dimes will do.
Sew up in a green cloth.

11)May Day Wish Magick = Save wax
remnants from your magickal candles throughout
the year. On Beltane, gather them in colorful
tissue paper tied with a purple ribbon.
Make a wish and throw the parcel into the bale

12)Dove's Blood Ink = 1 Part dragon's
blood, 2 drops cinnamon, 2 drops bay,
10 drops alcohol, 1 part gum arabic, 2 drops rose
oil.-Write with this to bring forth wishes.

13)To Deter Theft = Gather together a
garlic bulb and one sprig each of rosemary,
juniper and elder into a bouquet. Tie the bouquet
with purple ribbon and hang it
over the front door.

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