The Moon And The Weather
Pale Moon doth rain,
Red Moon doth blow,
White Moon doth neither,
Rain Nor Snow.
Clear Moon, Frost Soon.
A dark mist over the Moon,
is a promise of rain.
The heaviest rain falls,
following the New and
Full Moons.
The Full Moon eats the
clouds away.
A New Moon and a windy night
sweep the cobwebs out of sight.
A Red Moon is a sure sign of
high winds.
And should the Moon wear a halo
of Red, a tempest is nigh.
Many rings around the Moon
signal a series of severe
A single ring around the
Moon that quickly vanishes
heralds fine weather.
When the New Moon holds
the Old Moon in its arms
(Ring around the New Moon)
disasters at sea occur.
Sharp horns on the Sickle
Moon indicate strong winds.
When the Moon's Horns point up
the weather will be dry.
When the Moon's Horns point
down, rain spills forth.
Blunt horns on a Crescent
Moon presage a long spell
of fair weather.
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