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Goddess Prayer
"Beloved Goddess of the silver moon!
Mistress of mysteries-Queen of the sea!
I call upon thee ancient names,
Artemis, Carridwen, Hecate!
Beloved sister of the hidden wood,
Child enchantress-star of night!
I call upon thee of the untamed wilds,
Descend with laughter and secret delight,
Beloved Mother of the ageless womb,
From which the many worlds, at once were born,
I call upon thee of the gentle earth,
From whose breast and whose belly our bounty is shorn,
Beloved Wisewoman, spinner of fates,
Weaver of dreamwebs-bearer of death,
I call upon thee waning skies,
Grant me your wisdom and love for all things,
Goddess of Magick I call unto thee!
Artemis, Cerridwen, Hecate
Artemis, Cerridwen, Hecate(Repeat until felt)
We are the people,
We are an old people,
We are a new people,
We are the same people,
Better than before."
We All Come From The Goddess
We all come from the Goddess,
And to Her we shall return,
Like a drop of rain,
Flowing to the ocean."
We All Come From The Sun God
"We all come from the Sun God,
And to him we shall return,
Like a spark of flame,
Rising to the heavens."
Hoof And Horn
"Hoof and horn, hoof and horn,
all that dies shall be reborn,
Corn and grain, corn and grain,
All that dies shall rise again."
Horned One
"Horned one, lover, son,
Leaper in the corn,
Deep in the mother,
Die and be reborn."
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