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More Spells

1)To Heal A Friendship = Shortly after
an argument, buy a greeting card which
closely expresses what you would like to say to
your friend. Rub the card with
lavender leaves before you give it to them or mail
it to ensure that it is well received.

2)To Protect From Nightmares = Fill a
small pillowcase with anise seeds, dragon's blood
and lavender and place the pillowcase under your
pillow when you go to sleep. Ask the
Celtic Goddess, Mare(MAH-re), the bringer of
dreams to only bring you nice dreams.

3)For A Peaceful Home = Gather freshly
cut parsley and place it in a pan of water.
Soak for nine minutes, and then sprinkle the water
throughout the house while visualizing
a calm environment.Peace will be restored.

4)To Lose Your Troubles = Take a
handful of earth and gaze into it. Put all your
and thoughts of distress into it. State exactly
what it is that's troubling you. When finished,
walk away without turning around to look at it.
throw the dirt behind you and walk
away without turning around to look at it.

5)To Enchant A book = Light a blue and
an indigo candle. Invoke a Goddess of Wisdom,
and ask for her help to enchant the book. Inscribe
the book, letting the
inscription express the desired wish.

6)Financial Difficulties = With clove
or cinnamon oil, trace a money symbol or rune on
largest denomination of bill that you have. Put
this in your wallet and resist spending it for as
long as you can. Everytime you look at the bill,
visualize the rune to reinforce its power.

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