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New Oils & Baths

1)Bath For Colds = 2 drops thyme oil, 4
drops lemon oil, 2 drops tea-tree oil-Swish
around bath water before getting in.

2)Raising Power Bath Oil = 3 drops
anise oil, 7 drops jasmine oil, 8 drops lemon oil,
5 drops orange oil, 3 drops peppermint oil, 2
drops vanilla oil.

3)Fragrance Of Venus Oil = To become
more attractive, on a Friday night,
blend together-Jasmine, red roses, a drop of
lavender, a bit of musk and ylang-ylang oils.

4)Good Luck Oil = 1 Tbsp. dried
wormwood, 3 Tsp. ground nutmeg, 1/2 Tsp. powdered
mandrake root, 1/4 cup olive oil, 13 drops pine
oil-Allow to sit for 13 nights.

5)Luck Oil = 6 drops thyme, 6 drops
anise oil, 6 drops mint oil, 1 ounce olive oil,
1 sprig fresh mint-Add all oils together, shake
well. Place mint sprig in bottle. Use for
exams, resumes, ect...

6)Aphrodite Oil = 5 drops cypress, 2
drops cinnamon, 1 small piece dried orris root-
Add everything to an olive oil base. Anoint your
body to bring love.

7)Chakra-Balancing Bath = Add a quart
of beer to a full tub of warm water.
Lie in tub and relax. Chant;"Yeast and hops,
balance and clear, chakra blockages
front and rear, wash them away from head to toe.
As I will, now make it so."

8)Prosperity Oil = 8 drops cinnamon
oil, 8 drops chamomile oil, 8 drops orange oil,
2 drops ginger oil, 1 stick cinnamon, 1 ounce
almond oil-Add oils together, shake to
mix well. Place cinnamon stick in bottle. Rub oil
on wallets or candles.

9)Love Oil = 6 drops rose oil, 6 drops
lavender oil, 1/2 a vanilla bean, 6 drops coriander
oil, 1 ounce avocado oil-Add oils together, shake
well to mix. Add vanilla bean to bottle.
Put on love letters.

10)Depression Bath = In a muslin cloth
bag, mix together-rose, geranium, lavender
and patchouli. As you draw the bath, allow the
water to run over and over the bag,
take bath by candle light, with favorite incense.

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