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Properties Of Essetial Oils

These are principally antiseptics. Wintergreen contains, salicyclic, and benzoin
has a high benzoic content.

Linalol and terpinol are common. They are germicides with low toxicity, which
is important in long-term use. Oils with high alcohol content are frequently used in
skin care preparations. They are energizing, toning, deodorizing and antiseptic and have
some of the most pleasing, fruity aromas. Examples are bergamot, lavender and geranium.

These tend to be calming and anti-inflammatory. They are found in abundance
in the grasses. Examples are lemon balm, lemon verbena, and lemongrass.

Cetones Or Ketones
Cetones ease the secretion of mucus and also help stimulate the growth
of new skin cells. They can be toxic, so care should be taken in long-term use.
Two cetones commonly found in oils are carvone(dill) and verbenon(rosemary).
Eucalyptus, hyssop, and rosemary all have high cetone content.

These are soothing, calming and fungicidal. They are electically neutral,
balancing, and tend to a greenish color. Lavender has a high ester content, as do
benzoin, geranium and neroli.

Phenols have the strongest antiseptic qualities found in essential oils. They are
irritating, hot and very stimulating. Long-term use can produce some liver toxicity.
Eugenol, thymol, and carvacrol are phenols commonly found in oils. Clove, oregano
and thyme have high phenol content.

These tend to be antibiotic in nature. They are stimulants and skin irritants, and
are reputed to be effective antiseptics in vapor form against Meningococcus,
Staphylococcus and Typhus bacillus. Valnet cites research showing that lemone and thyme oils appear to be the most effective. Pine contains a high percentage of the terpene pinere.

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