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1)During the night, burn a turquoise candle if
a decision concerning the future is about
to be made. This will ensure peace and optimism.

2)To keep financial problems from your door,
burn 3 pale orange candles, misssing
one day, will invite a bad day.

3)To prevent rape/violence, burn one yellow
and one violet candle before sleep.

4)To prevent robbery and assault, burn a green
candle at sunset every day.

5)Maximum protection against violent crime,
burn a lime green candle at sunset every night.

6)To help prevent financial loss and disaster,
burn a green and red/gold candle, it also
helps prevent disloyalty in a love relationship.

7)To restore harmony and stability if domestic
turmoil erupts, burn one green and one
purple candle.

8)To deprive an enemy of strength, burn one
orange and one black candle.

9)Financial disaster to your rivals, burn one
orange and one green candle.

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