1)Flower Meanings & Uses = Beauty,
love, merit, simple pleasures, mirthfulness, light,
life, passion, silence, romance, unfaithfulness,
luck, protection, beginnings, prophetic
dreams, psychic abilities.
2)Oil Meanings & Uses = Sensual, love,
peace, sexual desire, enhanced beauty, health,
healing, luck, psychic awareness, anointing,
banishing, clairvoyance, divination,
creativity, happiness.
3)Incense Meanings & Uses = Love
magick, to return calm energies to the home,
clairvoyance, divination.
4)Herb Meanings & Uses = Courage, good
luck, healing, love, psychic ability,
divination, psychic power, protection.
5)Ailment Uses = Bruises, cuts, sore
throats, sprains.
6)Other Uses = Anger management,
beauty, luck, premenstual syndrome, prophetic
7)Aromatherapy Uses = Heart warming
aphrodisiac, relieves sexual debilities,
frigidity, impotency, treats anorexia, elevating
to the mind, confidence, improving, creates
a sense of peaceful well being.
8)Good Omen Incense = 5 Rose petals, 1
& half onces myrrh, 1 ounce dragon's blood,
half ounce sassafras, half ounce orange blossoms,
half ounce juniper, half ounce sage,
half dram frankincense oil-Mix all together and
burn on a hot charcoal block to
attract good luck.
9)Glamour Spell = You will need a big
red candle and a pink rose.-"This is to feel
(put hand over candle), this is to be(put hand
over flower), shape and format for all
to see, by the powers of 3 times 3(put hands over
eyes),as I will it, so shall it be
(put hands in the air)."
10)Love Sachet = Dried rose petals,
lavender and orris root. Place also a small
piece of copal in the sachet-choose one that is as
close to the shape of a heart
as possible. Use a rose colored material.
11)A Ritual For A Peaceful Home = 1
Handful jasmine, 2 passion flowers, 1 Tbsp. honey,
1 handful white rose petals, half cup spring water-
Mix together. As you blend, visualize
your home being filled with love and light. Place
mixture in a jar where you can see
it every day.
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