1)Yule = December 21st- Also Winter
Solstice. The God is born. A celebration of the
return of the Sun and the warmth and light it will
2)Imbolc = February 2nd- Also
Candlemas. The Goddess is recovering from the
of the God. The God is gaining strength and Spring
is on it's way. Imbolc is associated
with the Celtic Goddess, Brigid.
3)Ostara = March 21st- Also Spring
Eqinox. The first day of spring. The Goddess
is fertile and strong again and the young God is
maturing. A Fire and Fertility festival.
4)Beltane = May 1st- Also May Day.
Celebration of the love and unity of the God
and Goddess.
5)Litha = June 21st- Also Mid-Summer,
Summer Solstice. Now the God and Goddess
are most powerful. It is the longest day of the
year, and a great time for magick. It is
a celebration of light.
6)Lammas = August 1st- Also August eve,
Lughnasadh. A time for giving thanks as
the God weakens, and the days grow shorter. A
festival of the first harvest.
7)Mabon = September 21st- Also Autumn
Equinox. Nature is making ready for winter
and it is the final harvest.
8)Samhain = October 31st- Also
Halloween, Feast of Souls, November's Eve. The God
dies and waits for re-birth again at Yule. It is
the Pagan New Year and a time to remember
those who left us.
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