1)Aromatherapy Uses = Avoid if
epileptic, produces vivid dreams, eases migraines,
balances female hormones, eases menstrual
discomfort/PMS/menopause, retards
excessive perspiration.
2)Flower Meaning & Use = Artistic
3)Herb Meanings & Uses = Health,
beauty, protection, wisdom, wishes, longevity,
increase lust, purification, hunting, menopause,
fortune, long life, removes negative
4)Ailment Uses = Blood clots, blood
impurities, dandruff, dehydration, eczema,
insect bites, poison ivy/oak rash, sore throats.
5)Cleansing = Burn sage, using the
smoke to remove negative energies.
6)Yule(Oil/Incense) = Use this in
celebrating the birth of the sun/any work where
light overcoming dark is an issue-Chamomile,
ginger, sage, pine needles/bark.
7)Pluto(Oil/Incense) = Use this for
overcoming difficulties of a personal nature-
Cinnamon and sage.
8)Samhain(Oil/Incense) = Use this for
tapping into the spirit world-Nutmeg, bay leaves
and sage.
9)Autumn Equinox(Oil/Incense) = Use in
celebrating Thanks Giving-Hibiscus, rose petals
and sage.
10)Happy House Charm = Make a small
pillow, stuff it with; Sage and sandalwood
(for blessing & protection), Lavender(for domestic
tranquility), Rose petals
(for to honor love), Vervain(for bright witchery)
and a couple drops cinnamon oil.
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