Charm For Protection In The Snow
One peppercorn
A pinch of salt
Pinch of powdered ginger
Pinch of powdered cloves
A small pinch of red cotton cloth
A pinch of cayenne pepper
Place the peppercorn in a bowl saying and visualizing:
"I charge you with protection"
Place the salt in saying:
"I charge you with stability"
Place the cayenne pepper in saying:
"I charge you with warmth"
Place the ginger in saying:
"I charge with protection"
Place the cloves in saying:
"I charge you with protection"
Mix all together with fingers, visualize yourself having safe
health, guarded times. Now transfer mixture to center of cloth
square. Fold in half and half again. Sew up ends and carry with
you. Make a new charm every snowy season.
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