Additional Angel Wings
1)Togetherness is obtained under the wingspread of angels.
2)The rustle of the winds reminds us an angel is near.
3)Angels are often silent,
but they are listening to every thought that stirs our souls.
4)Angels place their trust in you
and teach you how to trust yourself.
5)Angels provide balance like the sun and the moon.
6)As spring blossoms become summer fruits,
thank the angels for revealing everday miracles.
Let go past failure and search for new success.
7)Angels have boundless energy-
from which we can draw inspiration.
8)Savor the light of the sun and the warmth
of the angels to restore your energy.
9)The angels encourage us to seek reconciliation's
with people to whom we have caused pain or
people who have caused us pain.
10)The angels counsel us that if a hurt was not intended,
we must examine our wounds to see
if we were really hurt.
11)Angels are blind to problems,
so their eyes stay open to solutions.
12)Angels are the guardian of our souls.
13)Angels know the trick to avoiding trouble
is to keep our minds trouble free.
14)Angels maintain that even our weakest attempts,
if heartfelt, are praiseworthy.
15)Angels see our inner beauty.
16)Angels are virtuos and see virtue in everything.
17)Our life expectancy with the angels is eternal.
18)Angels enhance our lives in the gentlest
yet most powerful way.
19)The perfume of a summer rose lingers
inthe folds of angels' wings.
20)As we come in from the garden at summer's end,
we must harvest and purify our intentions.
We must continue to grow inwardly.
21)Angels suggest we shed our old ways,
like the ritual of autumn.
By relinquishing them,
we give way to new and much more productive thinking.
22)The simplest beauty in nature is a sign of divinity.
23)Surrender to a higher good,
an angel-the good of the universe,
not the good of the self.
24)Sometimes you just know it's an angel.
25)Take a moment to reflect.
Breathe in the inspiration of the angels.
26)Thinking allows our mind to ascend
with the angels to unknown places.
27)When you recognize your strengths,
the angels show you the strengths in others.
28)The angels show us that if we are able to receive love,
we are able to give it.
29)Angels spark the first of passion in our life,
which in turn ignites our imaginations.
30)Mindfulness is the province of angels
who are always caring and appreciative.
31)Angels don't seek answers; they seek questions.
32)Angels help us consider relevance so
that we can keep our priorities in order.
33)Aspire to be with the angels, above pettiness.
34)Angels remind us that we are part and parcel
of the meaning of life.
35)Angels don't leave anything to chance,
although they show us we have a chance
to do anything if we try.
36)Angels gently remind us that it's a waste of time
to be judging people,
when instead we could be loving them.
37)Angels never give up; they just let go.
38)It takes great courage for us
sometimes to show
each other how much we care,
but angels are never ashamed to let us see.
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