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Mr. Clean

Ok, I know what your thinking; Theres no way these anyone would actually use
Mr. Clean in a Rifts game. Well YOU THOUGHT WRONG. Mr. Clean is the
mightiest god in our campaign so I thought I might as well at least mention this
clean freak.

Real Name: Mr. Clean
Alignment: Principled
M.D.C.: 521,000 (260,500 on Rifts earth).
S.D.C/Hit points: 200,000 S.D.C. and 150,000 Hit points.
Size: Depends on the size of the cleaning job, typically his height is 7 feet.
Attributes: I.Q: 18; M.E: 40; M.A:34; P.S:75; P.P:60; P.E:34; P.B:35; Spd:200
Disposition: It's Mr. Clean!! What the hell do you think it is?!
Horror Factor:20 (Radiates Awe in a 150 foot radius)
Experience Level:20th level Ley line walker, Mind Melter, Temporal Mage,
25th level Dedicated Martial Artist and 30th level Mercenary Cleaner.
Natural Abilities:Constantly regenerates 400 M.D.C. per minute, limbs cannot
be severed due to the fact that it would make a stain. Any attack that would dirty
him will automatically fail, projectiles will go off to the side of him in such a way
that it will dissipate harmlessly without causing a mess. Anyone he touches instantly
becomes clean, healing them to full hit points and s.d.c. plus, it makes any clothes
seem like they are brand new and freshly pressed on an ironing board giving it that
nice lemon fresh Mr. Clean scent. Keen vision, does not need to breathe, see invisible,
see aura, sense chi, teleport self 100%, dimensional teleport 100%, Can cure
"disorderly" chemical imbalances in the brain and can cure genetic defects, including
other gods. (This ability could also change someone's alignment, though it would never
make him or her more evil then they already are). Many other abilities associated with

Skills of Note: All non-edged weapon proficiencies (except for kitchen knives),
All physical skills at 98%, All domestic skills at 100%, All other skills at 80%,
Speaks English, Atlantean, Dragonese, Euro, Spanish, French, Japanese at 100%.
All others at 70%.
Combat Skills: HTH: Aikido, HTH: Thai Kick Boxing, HTH: Jujitsu, HTH: Kitchen.
All count as primary as he has had lots of time to "polish" his skills.
Attacks Per Melee:30 by hand-to-hand combat, or 20 by magic, or 30 by psionic.

Bonuses: +20 to strike, +20 to parry/dodge, +20 pull punch/roll/fall/impact, +50
to s.d.c. damage, +12 to save vs. magic, +16 to save vs. psionics.
Magic Knowledge: Knows all spells levels 1-16 (yes, this does include legend spells)
Knows all about magic and how it works. P.P.E.: 20,000.
Psionic Knowledge: Knows All Healing, Sensitive, Physical and Super psionic Powers.
Considered a Master psionic. I.S.P.: 15,000

Description: Mr. Clean is a tall, gleaming toothed, well-built humanoid who looks to
be in his mid thirties. He wears a white, almost shining t-shirt, white shoes, and white
pants that never dull or get dirty, and a faultless gold earring on his left ear. He usually
stands with his arms crossed and has a broad, convincing smile on his face that has on
countless occasions, convinced a would be enemy to reconsider and listen to what he
has to say.