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Yan Yansen is a Tinkering inventor, best known in games for his Yan Yansen coffee (the real quicker picker-upper) Originally created by tinkering with the water to caffeine ratio on a coffee machine, this coffee brand quickly became registered as a controlled combat drug. The occasional usage proved perfectly fine, but the withdraw caused major problems. And constant use made the soldier useless when not on the substance. Yan Yansen also created the first rail gun ever on the robotech world. (took my 100 70% rolls to pull off) This weapon actually surpasses most rifts technology weapons in damage, penetration value(4 stories underground, through 3 bunkers, 1 commanders coffee mug, through a mountain filled with uranium ore, and finally stopping inside a veritech on patrol a mile and a half away, seriously damaging the veritech) Although because when it shoots anything it just makes a fine hole through it, its only... ONLY market at 1D10X10.

Full name: Staff Sergeant Yan Yansen
Attributes: I.Q.=24; M.E.=17; M.A.=17; P.S.=14; P.P.=18; P.E.=17; P.B.=23; Speed=32
HP: 42

Level:6 Tinkerer/Field Scientist (Brotherhood Training program)
EXP: 18000
Credits: 3'480 on hand; 30'000 in bank
Items:(Back Pack) specimen pack, First Aid Kit, Uniform, Goggles, Microscope, C^2 mask, portable computer, Optics band, Radar Detector, Multi optic Helmet.
(belt)Combat knife, .357 magnum, .45 Automatic(modified), Silencer, gloves, Handcuffs, Nightstick
(Home)Small Dorm(smaller with the big coffee maker), coffee production machinery, Workshop, Many upon many tools
Dermal Impact Paper Machee Armour
Impervious to laser weaponry
S.D.C. = 60
+1 save vs. Psionics
+1 save vs. Insanity
45% trust intimidate
+4 strike
+6 parry
+6 dodge
+5% save vs. Coma/Death
+1 save vs. poison
70% charm/impress
+4 pull punch
+4 roll with punch, fall, impact
+2 initiative
Kick attack = 1D6
Skills: computer operation 95%, computer programming 79%, paramedic 89%, basic math 98%, Advanced math 98% chemistry 98%, chemistry analytical 94%, photography 89%, biology 84%, radio basic 84%, T.V. Video 74%, read sensory equipment 69%, pilot truck 98%, pilot auto 98%, automotive mechanics 84%, aircraft mechanics 79%, mechanical engineer 79%, basic electronics 74%, veritech mechanics 64%, mecha mechanics 74%, electrical engineer 79%, mecha electronics 69%, pilot helicopter 98%, prowl 69%, circuit board microchip 98%, writing 78%,pilot veritech 75%, Basic Hand to Hand, W.P. Staff, W.P. Fully/Semi Automatic.