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Doyte Deathreaper

This... thing... this monstrosity... no matter how much we GM's try, we just cant seem to kill it. All the huge Mecha, all the massive armies, all the unstoppable... freakishly evil gods... and it just wont die.
By all rights, this freakish Good Samaritan should have been wiped off the face of not only Rifts Earth, but just about every dimension at the same time. All the crap we’ve thrown at this ass-hole and all we ever managed to do is get him in some lingerie, (don’t ask).
As a member of the Deathreapers, he is naturally infused with the element of wind, giving him control of lightning and electricity. This freak of nature also has some of the best connections in the world, due to the fact that his half-brother is Marcus Volanna, the leader of the ancient vampires, based out of Lazlo... thus making this freakish strong-man a half ancient vampire. (GM's note: As a fan of vampires, I was quite disturbed at vampires displayed in Rifts Vampire kingdoms, and thus made my own vampires that did not come from rifts, but rather have been around for millennia.) This, I suppose, ALMOST accounts for his strength, as well as the Deathreaper gene, which consists of Ex-Russian Olympic athletes; old Nazi super-soldiers; a god/goddess or two; and 5 of the smartest German scientists; plus a hint of Jesus, which accounts for the good samaritanism (a gene which is obviously absent in ID)
Now, don’t ask me how this happens, but at birth... the doctor found himself puzzled. Apparently Doyte's mother's habit of chewing on metal paid off, as Doyte was born with this glimmering piece of metal in its hands. The doctor took this away to examine it... this was not a good idea. Baby Doyte leapt from the crib and planted his fist between the doctor's eyes, quickly putting the doctor in a bed of his own. When Doyte reached a month and a half old, he was ready to start working, and began to forge the neigh invincible metal into an 8 foot long curved blade, which is now linked to him in spirit.

Full name: Captain Doyte "tiny/shine top" Deathreaper
Attributes (GM note: shudder):I.Q. = 8; M.E. = 30; M.A. = 10; P.S. = 70(GM note: No, this is not a typo) P.P. = 30;
P.E. = 45; P.B. = 8(Strong but ugly); Speed = 140(Mach 15 flying)
HP: 214 (yes... SDC for some reason)
SDC: 500 (all this and he can be killed by a c-18)
(You'd think)
I.S.P. = 174
P.P.E. = 340(what a waste)
Chi = 110
Battle Chi = 980
Attacks = 15

Level: 15 Military Specialist/Old school mercenary
EXP: 334'827
Credits: 160 billion (or there abouts, Doyte isn’t all that good at counting)
Items: Masamune, brass knuckles, uniform, infinite supply of grog, 10 canteens of water, police hat, chef's hat, captains hat, NG-S2 survival pack, 20 rations, flashlight, binoculars, 2 Cuban cigars, large high-quality tent, wrist watch, wrist radio, tools, spatchula.
Doyte's Kustom Kevlar S.D.C. = 220
A.R. = 15
Weight = 250 lbs

+60 damage
+45 strike w/ Masamune
+24 strike
+22 roll w/ punch/fall/impact
+37 Parry
+26 Dodge
+8 strike w/ rifle
+3 maintain balance
Critical on 17+
Auto-Deathblow on 19+
Called Deathblow
+8 save vs. Psionics
+8 save vs. insanity
+16 save vs. Magic
+15 initiative
+4 parry/dodge in water
+8 strike w/ normal sword
Chi abilities: Doyte has full knowledge and range of Chi abilities, including many chi attacks, and chi combat. He also has the capability to increase his attributes, given time to concentrate and expend chi.
-Chi combat
-Falling technique (like a fall could actually hurt him)
-Iai Jutsu
-Stone Ox (his mental training ^_^)
-Body Chi
-Chi Atsu
-Chi Gung
-Dragon Chi
-Chi attacks

-No magic
-Healing Psionics (minor)
-Counts as Master Psionics

Doyte has his own techniques, which come from being a Deathreaper
-Masamune Stare (can see through his Masamune, +3 initiative)
-Masamune Magnet (can use magnetic waves up to 200 ft way)
-Rings of Binding (paralyze 2D4+8 many low-end enemies)
-Reflex Blade (A very small SDF reflex beam, 1D6x10)
-Spirit Shield (Immune to one attack. May knock Doyte back)
-Spirit Slash (SDC damage = MDC damage)
-PsiBolt (6D6 damage, 1D6 Melee round stun, more to robots, or things in water
-Mirror Image (X6 attacks, Very draining)
-E.M.P. (Deactivates ALL Electronics, Range 800 ft full circle.)
-Reverse Polarity (Turns damage back at enemy, Very draining)
-Lightning shield (Can take 75 MDC, Attacker takes 2d6MD)
-Lightning Aura (Give another person Electricity based attacks)
-Invisible Masamune (Angers Doyte, and puts him in a berserker rage with minimal control)
-Dancing Masamune (An Attack with its own Vengeance)
-Accelerate (Speeds up freakishly)
-Omni-Slash, Doyte brand (Many upon many attacks VERY draining>

Skills: Advanced math 135%, Wilderness survival 115%, Body building, Tracking 110%, Boxing, Radio: Basic 130%, Demolitions 150%, Fishing 125%, Demolitions Disposal 138%, Land navigation 121%, Detect Ambush 115%, Detect concealment 110%, Escape Artist 115%, Impersonation 111%, Paramedic 149%, Disguise 125%, Hand to Hand Zanji, Hand To Hand Tiger Claw, Swimming 177%, Intelligence 146%, Balance 155%, Climb 202%, Back flip 212%, Interrogation 125%, Pilot tank 110%, Pilot: Motor boat 140%, Pilot: Power Armour, Pilot: Auto 145%, Space nav. 145%, Pilot robot combat: elite, Weapon systems 145%, Juicer football 135%, Read sensory 125%, Dead ball, Computer programming 125%, Pilot: Motorcycle 140%, Murderthon, Prowl 135%, Operate computer 125%, Sniper, pick lock 120%, W.P. Energy rifle, Pick pocket 115%(Would you notice an 8'4 guy picking your pockets?), W.P. Semi/Fully automatic, Basic electronics 130%, W.P. Sword, Blunt, Revolver, Rail gun, Wrestling, Speak/Literate Japanese/American, Running, Sharpshooting: Semi/fully automatic. Sharpshooting: Railgun, and last but not least, Sing and Dance (ballet only) at 150% Professional quality.