Veggie eaters... cruel?? For... geez... over a decade... we meat lovers have been taking shit from vegitarians because WE are the cruel ones for eating animals. Why? Because animals are living creatures. Well these people should go see any neighbourhood botanist (the plant scientists) and... well... what do ya know. Plants are living creatures. They breath, eat, and drink. And as for feeling pain... has anyone ever actually asked them? Hmmm? And if they did... did they ever get an answer? I doubt it (though the lack of protien can cause little chemical problems in the brain...). As a matter of fact. Many cultures on this earth, weather past, or present. Have belived that plants, like the earth were living feeling creatures. But off that subject. Most plants have been around for many decades. Regrowing each spring. Chickens for example have only lived for mabey a year or two before they die. So in a way its like praying on the elderly is it not? And worse yet. We humans prey on living things... that in some slight way or another have a chance of defending themselves. Plants?? nope. So they are cruel in such a sence that they are the ones that go about senseless slaughter of age old plants. And if ya ask me. Id rather live in a world with no animals before id live in a world with no plants. (all you gaia theory buffs can bite me) -michael (09/09/01) - Also... why in hell do they only eat vegetibles??? I mean if there vegiterians then they obviously only eat Vegtibles. Because if they ate fruit then that would make them herbavores. Well? Whats wrong with fruit? Hmmmmm? O.k. so you can eat your lettuce, carrots, and tomatos all ya want. But what of the apples and oranges? Well? Do they feel to much pain for you? Losers... nuff said. P.S. By the way. Yes i realize that a tomato is a fruit not a vegtible. DID YOU???????