Apocalypse Battle Ship. Sea Faring Model
Height - 3 km
Width - 3 km
Length - 14 km
Weight - 62 billion tons
Speed - 50 knots maximum. Cruising- 20 knots.
Cost to Construct - 230 trillion credits
MDC By Location - Main Body
Port - 1.2 million
StarBoard - 1.2 million
Bow - 3.6 million
Stern - 2.4 million
Rudder(55) - 84'000
Rear Props (40) - 12'000 each
Main 200 mm cannons(44) - 4800 each
Apocalypse Cannon - 600'000
Bracers(120) - 120'000
Loading Cranes - 350'000
Forward Utility Arms (2) - 16'000
Anit Aircraft Cannons (340) - 400
Close Range Flame Throwers (180) - 200
I.C.B.M. Bay doors (6) - 450'000
Air Fields (6) - 12'000 to make unusable
Ramps(6) - 10'000
Hanger Doors (18) - 55'000
Missle Racks(200) - 92'000
Control Towers(4)- 1 million
Radio towers(8) - 700'000 (houses most sensors)
Sub Bay Doors(8) - 320'000
Mini-Sensor Arrays(32) - 55'000
Depth Charge Racks(6400)- 12'000
Weapon systems:
Apocalypse Cannon (666 m cannon)
Rate of Fire - Once per 10 minuites
M.D. - 5d6x10'000
Blast Radius - 190 km
Range - 1800 km
Main 200 mm cannon
Ammonut - 44 in total
Coverage : 35 front
25 sides
10 back
Rate of Fire - 3 times per melee round
M.D. - 4d6x100
Blast - 200 meters
Range - 200 km
Bonouses - Targetting computer. +2 strike
Anti Aircraft Flak Cannons
Ammont - 340
Coverage - 90 front
150 sides
85 back
Rate of Fire - 7 attacks per melee round
M.D. - 2d6
Blast - 20 ft radius
Range - 50 km
Bonouses - highly trained operators, + tracking/targetting computers. +8 strike
Anti personal Flamers
Ammount - 180
Coverage - 20 front (like anyones going to try to board that big spike)
80 side
30 back
Range - Straight down hull to water. or up to 20 meters away from hull.
M.D - 1d6x10 (hit by 5 at bottem. 3 half way up. and only 1 near top)
Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles
Ammount - 6
Rate of Fire - Volly of up to 6. Takes 20 days to construct.
M.D. - 4d6x1000
Blast - 90 km
Range - Can cover any world aprox the size of earth.
Missle Racks -
Ammount - 200
Coverage - 80 at any point
Payload - 1000 missles each
Rate of Fire - Volleys of 20, 200, or 1000
Depth Charges -
Rate of Fire - 1 per melee round
M.D. 1d4x50
Blast Radius- 50 m (1/4 damage at 20 m or out, 1/2 damage if not a direct hit)
Range - 800 m
Ramming Spike -
M.D. - 3d12x2'000 cruising, or 3d20x5'000 for 35 knots
+500 per knot over 35
Utility Arms -
Can be equipped with versitle arms to do repairs, or blades to help harvest
land/do damage, or grapples to pull a target into the
ramming spike.
M.D.- Hands - 5d8x2
Blades - 4d8x10
Grapple - 3d6x10 + can hold most large battleships/aircraft carriers.
Very difficult to hit small ships. (-10 strike)
This is a last chance weapon. Chances are that what ever world it is fired on
will be completely decimated, if not by the blast, then from the fallout,
radiation, shockwave, crime, tectonic upheaval, weather system, disease, destroyed
atmosphere, insuing chaos, or by simply being thrown out of orbit.
Even though the apocalypse battleship can survive even these, there is not much of
a world left to conquer. This is even a risk for the battleship as not even it can
survive being swallowed into the sea and under a tectonic plate.
Area Of effect (culmutive)
ex. Somthing hit by the shockwave, is also hit by the return shockwave, dust wave, and
outskirt radiation as well.
Point of Contact - 60 m 2d6x100 from getting hit by the missle itself.
Total Destruction - 2km Total destruction. (3d4x500'000 md) Radiation causes
8d6x1000 M.D. per second.
Actual Blast - 3km 2d6x100'000 md. Radiation causes 3d6x100 per melee round. from
-People up to 500km away feel blast.
Fire/Heat Blast - 100 km, 1d6x10'000 + 2d6x10 per melee round
-People up to 10'000 km away feel blast. About 2 seconds gone by.
First Shockwave - 200 km, 1d6x5'000 + 1d6x10 per minuite from radiation
-World Shaken. Blast seen world wide.
-Vacuum does 3d6x10'000 md to anything completly inclosed ie. power
armour, houses, buildings, bunkers, underground structures, etc.
-2nd shockwave 20 seconds later does 1d6x500 md.
Dust/Debris Damage - 1000 km, 3d6x100 md up to d20 times to each target(prolonged
- outskirts hit 8 seconds after blast
Outskirts - 2400 km, 1d6x1'000 s.d.c. +3d4 s.d.c /day from radiation
Extreme outskirts - 20'000 km, 1d6x10 sdc, +1d4 s.d.c. from radiation
Special Rules:
Earthquakes worldwide, tectonic plates split, and course altered.
Viruses - The apocalypse missle also carries various plagues. Spread by air, causes
symptoms in 2d6 days, kills in 1d6x10 days.
Land never usable for 1d8x10 million years.
Torrential storms - 80% planets water evaporated. Only 10% of which will rain.
Atmosphere destroyed - causing the ozone to be destroyed 100% covering about 1d8x1000 km.
Orbit has a 15% chance of being desturbed.
01-08- new orbit reached in 1d6 days. Most likely horrible seasons, and planet
basically unlivable.
09-25- New orbit reached in 1d8x10 years. Planet either horribly hot, or absolute
zero untill new orbit is reached. Where it will still be unstable
26-50- New orbit reached in new system 1d6x10'000 years later. No life remaining
on planet by the time new orbit is reached.
51-90- Stuck in Suns gravity well. Will get hotter by 50 degrees centigrade untill
destroyed by sun.
91-00- Collides with another planet. 10% chance being able to move to new planet
if suitable
Factory Output
666m ammunition - 15 days & 20 million credits
200 mm ammunition - 2000/day @ 450 credits each
Anti Aircraft ammunition - 150'000/day @ 140 credits each
Flamer Fuel - 900 bursts/day @ 220 credits each
ICBM's - 20 days & 120 million credits
Missles - 500/day @ 4000 credits each
Depth Charges - 800/day @ 900 credits each
Small Tanks - 25/day @ aprox. 50'000 credits each
-4000 rounds/day @ 200 credits each
Medium Tanks - 15/day @ aprox. 120'000 credits each
-2000 rounds/day @450 credits each
Heavy Tanks - 5/day @ aprox. 1 million credits each
-500 rounds/day @ aprox. 1000 credits each
Assault tanks - 1 per 3 days @ 120 million credits each
-100 rounds/day @3500 credits each
Fighter planes - 3/day @ 4.5 million credits each
-500 rounds/day @250 credits each
Bomber planes - 1/day @ 6.5 million credits each
-10 bombs/day @ 3200 credits each
Submarines - 1/week @ 32 million each
-15 torpedos/day @ 20'000 each