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This roving war machine is truly the cream of the crop when it comes to heavy ordinance. With its
dual 600 mm auto cannons, Rail gun, Grenade launcher, and LRM missle racks, this beast is a frightening
opponent to even the largest power armours.

Model Type: IH-2B
Class: Mammoth Heavy assualt tank
Crew: Driver, Gunner, & Commander, plus up to 15 troops can be accomodated.
Speed: 100mph on land, 30mph underwater with a maximum depth of three miles
Height: 80 feet (24 m)
Width: 90 feet (24 m)
Length: 140 feet (42 m)
Weight: 400 tons fully loaded (880 000 lbs)
Cargo: Large Cargo Space, about 30x30x28, for extra weapons, troops, ammo, or even vehicles! It could even have a repair bay suitable for two vehicles(power armor included) for an extra 200,000 credits!
Engine: Fusion Reactor
Black Market Cost: 1.4 billion Creds

M.D.C. By Location

Main turrent - 1200
600 mm cannon (2) - 780 each
Side Missle Launchers (2) - 280 each
* Track Treads (4) - 480 each
Cupola on Turrent - 400
Front Auto Launcher - 300
Back Auto Launcher - 300
Swatter Vulcan Rail Gun - 200
** Main Body - 2600
Force Shield - 600

*Depleting the M.D.C. of one tread will reduce the speed by 25%. If two treads are destroyed, then reduce
the speed by 50%. Three or more treads destroyed will immobilize the tank until it is replaced.
Replacing a tread usually requires four people with a p.s. of 26 or higher and will take 1D4x10
minutes by a trained crew or twice that by the inexperienced (Two replacement treads are carried on

**Depleting the M.D.C. from the main body will shut the tank down completely and an explosion will
ensue within 1D6 minutes doing 8D4x10 M.D. to anyone within 30 feet and 1D4x10 to anyone within
90 feet of the tank.

Weapon Systems

Dual 600 mm auto cannons
Capable of 360 Degree rotation, and 85 degree upwards pitch.
HE round - 8d6x10 w/ 120' blast radius
HEAT round - 12d6x10 w/ 84' blast radius
AP round - 4d6x10, excelent armour penetration.
ASPD round - 8d6x10 w/ no blast radius

Rate of Fire: 2 per melee round per cannon.
Range: 12 miles
Payload: Up to 20 of each type of round

Auto Launchers

One on the back and front of the tank. This is a completely automated rapid-fire grenade launcher,
whenever a hostile comes within 600 feet of the tank, one of these will fire a burst.
WARNING: Should not be turned on if there are a considerable ammount of friendlies around. It has
friendly fire systems in it. But are not 100% accurate. System can get "flustered" easily with
multipule targets around
Fragmenting rounds - 2d6x10 within 30 feet
AP rounds - 3d6x10 within 8 feet

Rate Of Fire: 4/melee round each.
Payload: 50 bursts in each launcher

Vulcan Rail Gun

Mega Damage: 6d4x10 per burst of 30
Rate of Fire: equal to commanders APM
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 3000 rounds, or 100 bursts

LRM launchers

Can rotate 180 degrees on either side of the turret
MD: Varies w/ missle type. Usually concussion, 2d4x10 w/ 90' blast.
The other Missle of choice is the multi-reflex nuke, 4d6x10 M.D.
Rate Of Fire: 1 Volley of 2, 4, 6, 8, or 12.
Range: Varies with Missle
Payload: 36 per.
SPECIAL: Mammoth Tank may spend one round locking on to multiple
targets (Up to 24) and fire 12 missles from each rack at the targets the
next round! While it is locking, you may not use the missles, but all
other weapons may be used normally.

NOTE: The Mammoth tank has all the items listed for all Iron Heart tanks, plus Long-range radar(500 miles) Heavy radiation shielding, All optical systems (This includes S.N.A.R.L.}, and an Advanced HUD (+6 to strike) Comes with a three-year warranty and fuzzy dice!!