Final Fantasy Vll Characters

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Cloud Strife

Job: Mercenary (ex-member of SOLDIER)
Age: 21
Weapon: Sword
Height: 5'7"
Birthdate: August 19
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Blood Type: AB

At age 21, Cloud Strife leads the life of a mercenary for hire.
As an ex-member of Shinra's elite squad known as SOLDIER,
his fighting skills are in high demand. Cloud joins the rebel group
AVALANCHE for their first strike against one of Shinra's huge Mako
Reactors that surround the city of Midgar.

Aeris Gainsborough

Job: Flower Merchant
Age: 22
Weapon: Rod
Height: 5'3"
Birthdate: February 7
Birthplace: Unknown
Blood Type: O

A beautiful 22-year-old, Aeris is a bright spot in the middle of a dark
and dreary town. While selling flowers near AVALANCHE's first target,
Aeris' life was forever altered after a chance meeting with Cloud. Because
of her mysterious background, Shinra has pursued her for most of her life.
Now she must fight against those who would enslave her and destroy what she holds
most dear. Aeris is my favorite character.

Tifa Lockheart

Job: Bar Hostess, AVALANCHE member
Age: 20
Weapon: Glove
Height: 5'4"
Birthdate: May 3
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Blood Type: B

Tifa and Cloud were childhood friends, but parted ways when Cloud
left his hometown of Nibelheim to join SOLDIER. When her parents died,
Tifa also left Nibelheim and headed for Midgar. Soon after opening her bar, Tifa's
Seventh Heaven, she met Barret and joined his ragtag group of rebels,
AVALANCHE. It's her goal to make sure Cloud remains with AVALANCHE after
his first mission with the team.

Barret Wallace

Job: Leader of AVALANCHE
Age: 35
Weapon: Gun-arm
Height: 6'4"
Birthdate: December 15
Birthplace: Corel Village
Blood Type: O

Barret is the 35-year-old leader of the rebel team known,
as AVALANCHE. He leads the team in the quest to stop Shinra's
Mako Reactors and save the life of the planet.
Although he is truly devoted to the team, Barret often regrets having to
leave his young daughter, Marlene, alone or in the care of others.
Barret's motives are unclear, but most believe that Shinra was somehow
responsible for the death of his wife.

Yuffie Kisaragi

Job: Materia Hunter, Ninja
Age: 16
Weapon: Knife, boomerang, origami (for throwing)
Height: 5'2"
Birthdate: November 20
Birthplace: Wutai
Blood Type: A

This 16-year-old ninja spent most of her time preying on helpless
travelers until she met up with Cloud's party. Although she is reluctant
to join AVALANCHE, her ulterior motives give her reason to tag along,
if only temporarily. Her clever wit and ninja skills coupled
with her selfish ways will either make her a powerful ally or a
serious pain in the neck.

Vincent Valentine

Job: Unemployed
Age: 27
Weapon: Gun
Height: 6'
Birthdate: October 13
Birthplace: unknown
Blood Type: A

Talk about a dark presence, Vincent sends chills down the
toughest person's spine. Although he may look evil at first,
there's a good soul trapped beneatth his dark exterior.
Vincent's plight is yet another example of Shinra's warped
experimentation; however, there's more to this story than just
bungled scientific research.


Job: Beast
Age: 48
Weapon: Headdress
Height: 3'9"
Birthdate: unknown
Birthplace:Cosmo Canyon
Blood Type: unknown

Although his fiery red fur may make him look like a wild animal,
Red XIII's intellect is well above that of most humans.
Not much is known about Red XIII's origin. He's currently being
held captive in Shinra's headquarters where he's forced
to participate in their twisted experiments.

Cait Sith

Job: Toysaurus
Age: unknown
Weapon: Megaphone
Height: 3'2"
Birthdate: unknown
Birthplace: unknown
Blood Type: unknown

Although Cait Sith's fortune telling ability may not impress you, his fighting skills
are a sight to be witnessed. The party first bumps into this joker while wandering
around the Gold Saucer. Cait Sith eagerly joins the group to see if his predictions
prove to be true.