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My Important People

We were a very small family. Along with my parents there were my sister and brother. My dad died suddenly in 1995 and my mom passed away in 2001 from a form of lung cancer.

My sister, Kathy, also died in 2001 after fighting breast cancer for almost a decade. Along with her husband, Kenny, my sister left behind two teenage daughters,Glenda and CJ. The girls now live in Haifax County .

My brother, Robert, and his wife Donna have 3 children, Nicole, Tyler and Tasha. Robert is in the Armed Forces and they are now living in Toronto, Ontario.

My mom

My late mother, my best friend and teacher, was like a sister to me.. We were very close and she will always remain near and dear to my heart. When I was young I'm sure I gave her plenty of aggravation and heartache but we remained close. As I grew older, Mom was always there to give me needed advice and helped me learn what it meant to be a good wife and mother.

Mom grew up on Prince Edward Island and was the oldest of a large family. Mom's sisters and brothers moved to Ontario as they got older and she joined them there after dad passed away.

Mom and Dad

My parents were married 40 years. They began their life together in New Brunswick and moved to Nova Scotia when we were very young. They soon moved to Sydney, where Dad grew up. We 3 kids all lived there until we married and moved elsewhere. Dad was the oldest of 2 children. His sister Ann currently lives in New York but returns to Sydney for the summer every year.


This is my husband and soul mate, Pat. We have been happily married for 36 years. We have lived in Sydney (the 2 kids were born there), Belle Cote (on the beautiful Cabot Trail),and now here in Cape Jack, where we have been for over 26. We enjoy long drives and spending time in the woods.

Teena and Howie

Our daughter Teena and her partner, Howie, have been together since university. (They both attended ST.FX) They lived in Toronto for several years before they moved to Australia. They travel quite a bit and are enjoying their time down-under.

Marc and Aimee

Our son Marc and his wife, Aimee,are currently living in Alberta, having recently moved from British Columbia. They were married in Polson Park Vernon, BC, on September 22, 2007.


On April 3rd 2008,Marc and Aimee were blessed with their daughter, our grand daughter, Sadie Lynn Shea. she was 9 pounds 1 ounce and beautiful.

My Aunt Ann and Cousin Duncan

My aunt is my Father's only sibling. She lives in New York most of the year but spends her summers in the family home in Sydney. Her son Duncan, who lives in Sydney,is a great guy. Duncan also has an a-frame in Malagawatch, where he spends as much time as he can.

Robert's Family

Kathy's Girls

This is one of my favorite picture albums.