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1. Name: Donna Gaffney

2. Nicknames: Don't really have any.

3. Favorite Word: ummm, i dunno... Mike?!

4. Hometown: Melbourne

5. Current Residence: Melbourne

6. Age: 18

7. How Long Have You Been A Fan?: since March 24, 1996 when I saw them as the support act for Celine Dion

8.What's Your Fave HN Song?: ummm to hard to pick. I love Everytime at the moment though.

9. How Many Time Have Yout Met Them?: probably around 10, maybe more.

10. Fave Colour: purple or blue

11. Fave Food: don't really have a fave

12. Fave Drink: diet coke

13. Pets: 2 dogs and a cat

14. Other Music You Like: nothing in particular. Love HN too much to like anyone else!!!

15. Favourite town to chill in: Queensland when I see HN there!