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1. Name: Kirri L

2. Nicknames: Kiz, Kizzlebub

3. Favorite Word: Don't have one! This is one of the constant survey questions I can't stand! :)

4. Hometown: Newcastle

5. Current Residence: Same. I'm still stuck in Australia's backyard dunny!

6. Age: 17 on the 16th of May

7. How Long Have You Been A Fan?: Since the beginning...I love the fact that i've been able to watch them evolve into what they are now!

8. What's Your Fave HN Song?: I have a few. Don't Cry, Angel Of Your Heart, He Don't Love You, Be There With You (because this was played at my friend's baby's funeral *sobs*), Eternal Flame, Telling Everybody, Stomp...and the list goes on! :)

9. How Many Time Have Yout Met Them?: Three times, but i've never had a photo with them. Probably because i'm always too busy chatting to them!

10. Fave Colour: Blue, any shade!

11. Fave Food: Don't have a favourite.

12. Fave Drink: See above!

13. Pets: One gorgeous widdle kitty cat - rare orange European cat - named Jack. He's the man in my life. *grins*

14. Other Music You Like: Noiseworks, Doug Anthony Allstars, The Gadflys, Jon Stevens, Paul McDermott, Electric Hippies, Universe, Aspirin, Invertigo and plenty more. All Aussie acts, of course - i'm very supportive and encouraging of Australian music!

15. Favourite town to chill in: SYDNEY! I absolutely LOVE the fact, it's almost an obsession! But unfortunately I don't get to go there often, so every visit is a treat!