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Recently I went to Melbourne to see my bestfriend (sam) & also Human Nature. The guys totally rocked & it was one of the best times I've had with them. I went to: Borders- Jam Factory (instore), Geelong (instore), TTFM & the airport.

Borders- Jam Factory

This was the first time I had seen the guys in Melbourne. We got there at about 9am, mind you the instore didn't start until 6:30pm. It was a fun day hanging out with all the other fans & getting to meet new fans. We went for a walk to sanity & happened to get talking to this guy who was on neighbours with the guys. He was telling us to watch it again to see him & told us some goss about HN. The guys ended up arriving about 5 or 10mins before they were supposed to go & made us wait for about 25mins, I think they love making us wait. They performed 3 songs: "It's Gonna Be A Long Night", "Baby Come Back To Me" & "He Don't Love You". I think I failed to mention that we had made the silver jackets from the tour & were wearing them. Phil pointed to us & smiled in between songs. We (sam, Suzi & myself) were the first ones to go through & get stuffed signed. All the guys said they loved them & asked where we got them from, Phil even told us we rock! We went through a 2nd time, mind you i had nothing else to get signed so i had to get my album signed again *lol*. I asked Mike if he knew where I was from & this is our convo:

ME- "Mike do you know where I'm from?"

MIKE- "Adelaide?"

ME- "Guess again, I'm from Sydney"

MIKE- "I knew you were from interstate"

I had to put it here, I thought it was cute. The rest of guys knew I was from Sydney *woohoo, hehe*. That's about it, we left after going through the second time.


The guys were only doing a signing here & it was at 4pm. We got there about 10 or 11am, as you do hehe. It was cool to get to hang out with everyone again. Once again we wore our silver jackets & were first through to get stuff signed. The guys finally arrived & were talking & signing stuff for a disabled girl before doing everyone else's. Mike had a lil embarrassing moment *looks at everyone who was with me & laffs*, I'm going to be nice & not post it on here although I'm sure quite a few of you have heard about it by now. We were pushed through so fast, we hardly got to say anything to the guys. Andrew asked me when I was going back to Sydney, which was kinda cool. We only went through once, due to wanting to follow the guys back to the city. So we then went to move our cars & wait for the guys to leave. When they did finally leave we (me, Sam, Suzi, Bec & Farrah) almost had an accident & got honked REALLY badly, the guys probably heard it too. We ended up following them for over an hour & a had a bit of fun on the way.


This was pretty quick, the guys turned up RIGHT ON TIME to co-host. We had our silver jackets AGAIN, this time to get signed by the guys. We actually ended up having them on when they arrived coz it was VERY cold. On their way in Phil say "aren't you hot in them?" & "Are they the same material as ours? Yeah, they are". They said we'll sign stuff & have photo's when we come back out. About an hour later they came out & had photo's with everyone & signed everything. I went to have a photo with Phil, but the girl I wanted to take it was busy, so Phil grabbed the camera out of my hand & took the photo hiself. It is such a cute photo & I will put it up here as soon as I can. I also got my mike hug, SOOOOOOOO good *lol*.


Andrew, Toby & Mike arrived about 5mins before their flight was due to leave. Mike grabbed his stuff & ran into the terminal to book all the guys in. As Toby & Andrew were going into the terminal Andrew said "We can't stop to talk girls, we're on the 2 o'clock flight". We went in & waited for them to check in & walk to their gate with them. They almost didn't get on the flight, it looked as if they were going to have to wait for the next one, but they ended up getting on. Phil came about an hour or so later & I had a heart attack when he arrived *looks at teegs & laffs*. He said hi & we let him check in, he was also on his phone so we didn't want to interrupt. We were waiting for him & saw us & goes "This was girls", so we walked with him & he said gate B11, Sydney. We walked ahead so he could talk in privacy & waited for him at the gate. We got to talk to him for about 5mins & had photo's with him, then he had to board. We then headed off to get out photo's developed & do some last minute shopping before me & teegs had to head back home.