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Well as most of you will know the guys did 2 gigs at Mingara Recreation Club on Dec 30th, 2000. They did an u/18's show & an 18+ show, I was lucky enough to go to both.

Sam *melb* & I were just walking around the back of the club, trying to waste time before we had to line up for the first show. We decided to go back around the front & had to walk past the backstage door to get there, it was the quickest way. There was a truck parked right next to the door & I could see feet underneath it, but honestly didn't think it would be any of the guys. As we got around the truck I saw Phil & was a little bit surprised. He wished us a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year *first* & we spoke to him for about 5 mins. He asked which show we were going to & we said both, he goes "they're both the same", like we didn't already know Phil hehehe. Then we said bye & told him we would stop annoying him, he said ok & laughed at us.

First up was Anuj, who I must say wasn't too bad. I wasn't really looking forward to seeing him, but quite enjoyed his little part. But of course you honestly just want him to get off so HN can come on :). They finally came on, early I might add. The screams when they walked out were deafening, you could hardly hear the guys singing. They did some of their new stuff & also did "Human Nature Unplugged", which I might add TOTALLY rocks! *u go guys* haha. The screams when they sung semptember girl were almost as bad, if not worse than when the guys walked out on stage. They were on stage for about 35 mins, but it didn't seem like that. "Don't Say Goodbye" was their second last song & it almost had me in tears, especially in one of Mike's parts. All up the gig was awesome, I'd probably even say one of their best.

Phil gave us *sam & I* sooooooo much attention during both shows, a little bit more in the 18+ show. During "September Girl" Sam & I must have been singing pretty loud coz Phil looked at us & put his hand to his ear, which naturally made us sing louder & made Phil laugh at us even more. We were pointing to him while we were singing, I think he found it kinda amusing. Phil just made the night that little bit more special & exciting for the both of us.

More to come soon