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1. Name:Sally Henneker

2. Nicknames: Sally

3. Favorite Word: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!

4. Hometown: Adelaide

5. Current Residence:

6. Age:17

7. How Long Have You Been A Fan?:4 years. I saw them singing Got it Go'in On on Hey Hey,and been hooked since:)

8. What's Your Fave HN Song?:Um.... Be there with you, Whispher you name, Don't Cry, Temperature Rising.... All of them!!!

9. How Many Time Have Yout Met Them?: Um... around 15.

10. Fave Colour: Blue

11. Fave Food:Spagettit Bolagnase

12. Fave Drink:Coke

13. Pets: fish and a 2 year old brother *hehe*

14. Other Music You Like: Bachelour Girl, Savage Garden, Taxiride, Ricky Martin

15. Favourite town to chill in: I so wanna go to Sydney!!!