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1. Name: Samantha Kaye McLaren

2. Nicknames: tobys_sexy, *the request queen*, i have another ex-boyfriend on my list

3. Favorite Word: toby's sexy! *sorry thats 2 words but i cannot count*

4. Hometown: whittlesea

5. Current Residence: home *lol*

6. Age: 18 *shivers coz i should be out of my obessed stage by now*

7. How Long Have You Been A Fan?: too long *lol* about 3 1/2 years now!

8. What's Your Fave HN Song?: don't cry *sooooo funky*

9. How Many Time Have Yout Met Them?: YES! *grins* *remebers tobys hand on her bra strap*

10. Fave Colour: blue, purple, and silver *once again i cannot count*

11. Fave Food: chocolate *is that a food tho?*

12. Fave Drink: coke *ummmm...fruity* - just kidding!

13. Pets: 2 dogs, 2 cats, emus, chooks, birds and thats about all *for now*

14. Other Music You Like: none! i keep myself pure for HN *lol*

15. Favourite town to chill in: anywhere but here!