Halloween is the scariest holiday of the year.
People are out and about doing bad, bad, things.
So here is the deal. I want you guys to tell me how you
celebrate your halloweens.Just Email me and
Let me know!
Woah... Are you scared yet? I thought it is only right to
tell you a few things that they are going to do here in University
for Halloween! FIRST they make it fun. There are decotaring contest
For whoever has the ebst decorated common room.
Of course My house will win! They dress up and stuff
and for the most part keep it inside the residence
But then there is the big thing, which, if you drink, would probably be a blast
It is called TRICK OR DRINK Pretty simple to figure out. How it works
is, you go around to people's door knocking
and when they open you say, trick or drink. Simple.
Then you get a drink! The only catch is,
if you don't drink. it will probably tend to get
uncomfortable. but I will soon find out!
For the time being, that will be my halloween section but what I am going to do is check out
for some cool sites and give you links to them!As for now
Be sure to send me your cool idea for Halloween.
Here are some cool sites
That I found for Halloween. Check 'em out.
If you know of any, Let me know!
The Sites Are
Ben & JerryZ
Cool Ghost Stories
Support UNICEF
Very cool
Halloween In Quebec
Cool Stuff
Kids Stuff
Know anymore? Let me Know!
Here is my Email address again!