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You will find here a page about ALL the music I like. Which at sometimes may scare you!

First I will begin with the ever so popular CANADIAN band

They have a hella lot of good songs and I love their CD CLUMSY SO check out da
link for some lyrics!
That page is one I found on the net.
So if there is a problem with me linking it. LET ME KNOW!
I'll remove it. It's a cool spot though, check out all the stuff!

Next is yet another CANADIAN band!


What can I say? Canada know's what it's doing!
If you are a die hard MB20 band then you MUST check out their OFFICIAL HOMEPAGE
just Follow the links.

Now onto my favorite kind of music...


YES! YES! YES it is true! I am a country fan!
it is the best music ever to exist on the planet!
Wether you hate hearing that or not! IT IS TRUE!
I mean, would I lie to you? Country music has the best songs
because they actually make sense. yea, yea, So some of them are depressing,
but... SO IS LIFE!

Where to begin...

OH YEAH! With only the best female country artist in the world


She sings my all time favorite country song ever.
" He Would Be Sixteen" Which is found on her "Take It Like a Man CD".
Every time I see the video it get's me.
ANYWAYS, the rest of her songs are terrific too! If you like her, or just wanna see what she's like
check out this happenin' site I found at New Country canada it's like the best spot to
check out country artist! OH! By the way... Did I mention she was CANADIAN ! ! ! !

Without further delay I will now allow you to see a picture
of the hottest and best singer in the CANADIAN country music business.


If everything goes right. We will be married and living on a
deserted island in about 10 years! JUST KIDDING!
I think he a very good singer. If you think so, check out JASON HERE

Now this wouldn't be a truthful site if I didn't put up at least a picture
of the VERY best country singer in the entire world.
If you will, take a moment and place your hand on your heart
and we shall have a moment of detication for this great man.

What a guy!

But enough of him! Time for a different category!

Now This Chika is another grovin CANADIAN chika!

Yup it is Shania Twain! For all the guy, wipe off your chins. yeah so the girl isn't a dog but she is a hella good singer to! This was put up for Jess. " Whatever yoiu do... " You rock Chika!

But if you want more Country
Click here to Check out New Country Canada
Tha best spots for all da Country fans who love Canadians

Did you say PINK?

Well I did! Yes that is right.
Ever since I came to University I have been listening to
a Pink Floyd CD a friend gave me and I LOVE THEM!
Their song " Wish you were here" IS tha Best!

Yeah so they are definately cool.

Now beofre I end my music section, FOR NOW,
I have to include the man who sings my father's favorite song.
The man who is responsiable for one of my favorite songs, and the man who's music soothes the soul...

For the Christmas of 1998 I got a CD. This CD would not be appreciated by all. But for those of you who have seen the Musical "", then you must know how good the CD is.

Check out Da Links
Film & Video Page

As for now, that will be all on the music section.
BECAUSE I HAVE NO TIME! but come back later!