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The world has been blessed by the most beautiful animals to ever exist, or not to exist. Unicorns. Please enter the Unizone if you'd like to see some amazing pictures that show the truley mystical origin that the Unicorn represents. Keep in mind, if you do not appreciate them, this will not be an enjoyable experience for you!

The Unicorn originated from the clouds in Alabama. During the Slavery years the Unicorn brought peace and hramony to those who suffered the devestating fate that so many Africans had to survive through. They're beauty and harmony assisted in allowing the slaves to continue on into life and fight for everything that they could acquire. Those who failed to believe in the magical existance of the Unicorn had to survive the most difficult way. Alone & Scared.

If that stor moved you at all, or in the slightest bit interested you, please go inside and see they're beauty for yourself.

*** If you can't figure out hwo to get in, Press On the UNIZONE symbol.