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undefined Island Roster / Swords of the Island of Cos / City of Telnus / Residence of Telnus / Braeden Manor in Telnus  City of Selnar / Residence of Selnar / City of Jad /   Residence of Jad / City of Temos / Residence of the City of Temos / Shops of Cos / Clinic of Telnus

This is an Adult RP Site based on the
John Norman Novels of Gor,if under the age of 18 ,
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Welcome to the Island of Cos
Located on the Island of Cos, are four glorious Cities. Each one vastly guarded and maintained. They are Telnus, Selnar, Jad, and Temos. However, Telnus is the Capital City of Cos. It is the City that holds the wealthy glamorous Estates of the Ubar and his wonderful family and friends.

...There are four major cities on Cos, of which Telnus is the largest. The others are Selnar, Temos and Jad.
---Raiders of Gor, 13:174

Cos is one of the two two major island powers on Thassa, sharing this distinction with Tyros, being about about four hundred pasangs west of Port Kar (and only about a hundred pasangs north of Tyros). Cos & Tyros often threaten to fight with each other yet, they have been known to unite against the formidable Port Kar. Port Kar, Cos and Tyros continue to remain in a state of war. We freely allow commerce with Bazi, Lydius, Helmutsport and Schendi, but realize that Our Ships would likely be seized in Brundisium and Port Kar. Additionally, there is no love between Cos and Ar since the great war

I had wanted to see both Tyros and Cos.
Both lie some four hundred pasangs west of Port Kar, Tyros to the south of Cos, separated by some hundred pasangs from her.... Cos is also a lofty island, even loftier than Tyros, but she has level fields to her west. Cos had many terraces, on which the Ta grapes are grown....
---Raiders of Gor, 10:139

The harbors of Telnus are vast and wall-encircled, for the safety of all of Cos when and if needed. There are now 4 Towers overlooking the North, east, west and south, for many passangs, our guards are equipped to see oncoming ships, as well as any arriving guest or problems. There is no realistic way for a surprise attack upon Cos to take place.

Cos is an Island even loftier than Tyros. The Cosian color is blue. As you may have already noticed in the surrounding terraced areas of Cos are the largest and sweetest of Ta`grapes.

We are famous for the sweet and smooth Ta`Wine of the Gorean Culture. You will also noticed the waters are filled with cosian wingfish found in no other waters on Gor.
...The grapes were purple and, I suppose, Ta grapes from the lower vineyards of the terraced island of Cos some four hundred pasangs from Port Kar.... If they were indeed Ta grapes I supposed they must have come by galley from Cos to Port Kar, and from Port Kar to the Fair of En'Kara. Port Kar and Cos are hereditary enemies, but such traditions would not be likely to preclude some profitable smuggling. But perhaps they were not Ta grapes for Cos was far distant, and even if carried by tarns, the grapes would probably not seem so fresh....
---Priest-Kings of Gor, 6:45

Our cities thrive in trade exporting Ta'grapes, Wines, and fish.
Major exports beside the luscious Ta' grape include the famed Cosian winged fish, Tharlarion oil, olives, ceramic products of many kinds, numerous medical substances based on the plant life found among the tropical jungles on the western side, and exotic birds. Unfortunately many of the Cosian exotic fruits are too perishable to be faithfully transported to the mainland which lies four days away to the northeast and six days away to the southeast. Tharlarion (both the riding and the high tharlarion), is the common mount on Cos. Bosk are rare though some do exist for their milk and meat. Verr are among the more common livestock and exist in numbers everywhere. There are no kaiila. The climate of Cos is wet and kaiila die quickly when held on Cos. There are few Tarn in Cos due to the nature of the island setting. The few tarn there are, are smaller than the continental version. Continental tarn rarely survive for very long on the island.

Aqueducts provide water from the lakes fingers to all the cities of Cos.  Due to its strategic position Selnar is the sight of the armies largest standing garrison and the home of the Cosian military academy, simply known as La Acadamia.