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"Bye, Bye, Bye" Video Review

  • Wow! I really liked this video. It seemed so different from their older stuff. It was really creative how she would cut the strings and they would fall into their individual scenes. I also liked how they had her over the stage playing with the puppets. I thought they made it look really realistic. I liked all of the guy's scences, but I ess. liked JC and Lance's. This one was really cute how they dropped in to the BMW and when on the big "car chase." I liked how Chris and Joey were running on the train. I thought it was neat how they would stop the music in certain parts and make little fill in's. Like when Justin falls down the elevator shaft he rolls out and laughs. Hehe...This was such a good video! I thought it was really neat how they were in that rotating room, but you couldn't tell as much in the video that the room was actually turning in a circle. What a good video to kick off the album? Oh, the Making of the Video was equally good, so if you didn't see it...keep checking for when they are going to air it again. That's about all I have to say..except why was Joey in a first-aid cross shirt?! Please... Also, that girl in the video...I think her name was Kim was really stupid. She couldn't act very well, and she acted really dumb the whole time...just my opinion.

  • Rating: 4.5

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