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5ive Articles

-Questionare with 5ive-

So who's the hardest member of 5ive?
'J is probably the strongest because of his age,but all of us have bad tempers.'

When was the last time you went on a lads' night out?
'I saw a couple of my mates and we went to a bowling alley because it was the only place I wouldn't get hassled.We had a bit of a drinking session but by the end of the night Chris (our manager) was on the phone to me about work,so it wsn't much of a night out.'

Is there a famous person who needs a slap?
'Before I got into the band I would have said Peter Andre.I get on really well with him now,but before I used to think,"I bet he thinks he's sooo good because of his stomach," but that's not true at all.If people see me in a magazine they'll think I'm really big - headed. But I'm not.I'm just Scott who's in a band.'

Who's the coolest member of 5ive?
'I think Abs is cool because he's got a girlfriend.He's done so well to keep her because when I joined the band I couldn't keep my girlfriend.'

If a huge scary fella started on one of the 5ive fellas, would you jump in?
'Yes,even though I'm quite small.If I get my head kicked in I'm not bothered!People say I walk around with an attitude - but I don't,that's the way I am.But I'd jump in definitely.'

Would you ever fight for a girl?
'There's not many, but there's a few I'd jump in for.My friend,Kerry,is one because she's a special person and if anyone ever hurt her,I'd kick their heads in.I don't like anyone being out of order to any girls.'

Do real men cry?
'Yes,big time.It's the blokes that don't cry who aren't real men.'

Who's the hardest member of 5ive?
'J and Sean,they're hard northerners - you wouldn't mess with either of them.'

Who's the uncoolest person in the universe?
'At the moment it's a geezer from British Midland.The other day we were on a flight back from Ireland and behind us were a football team who were shouting and swearing.An air steward came over and asked us to keep the noise down or they'd throw us off the plane!We weren't even talking that loudly.Then we did get a bit wild.'

What item of clothing would you never wear?
'I reckon everyone else will say tights,but I've done ballet so I can't win,can I?What about slippers?'

If a huge scary fella started on another member of 5ive would you jump in?
'I would.It happened once before when we used to live in Surrey.The fight was with these local lads.I think they were jealous because there were loads of girl hanging around outside our house.One night there was an argument, but I was asleep.I thought I dream it but I'd slept through it,so I wasn't any help!'

Would you ever fight for your girlfriend?
'I'd fight for love.But I'm a lover not a fighter!'

Do real men cry?
'Yep!I'm not afraid to show my emotions.The last time I cried was when I went to see Titanic.'

Who's the hardest member of 5ive?
'J,he's bigger than everyone else.'

When was the last time you went on a lads' night out?
'The last time I went home to Birmingham I went out with my mates to my mum's pub.It was a proper lads night out.'

Is there a famous person you'd like to slap?
'No.I've never hated anyone enough to want to slap them.'

What item of clothing would you never wear?
'A pink tutu!No,I'd chuck it on for a laugh,I'd chuck anything on if it was for a laugh.'

If a huge scary fella started a fight with another member of 5ive would you jump in?
'Yeah!I'm not a violent person but I'd be there straight away.'

Would you fight for a girl?
'Yeah,but not if she went off with some other bloke.But if anyone harmed her then definitely,without a doubt.'

Do real men cry?
'Yeah,I cry.The last time I cried was when I went to see Titanic with my dad and his girlfriend,she was passing me tissues.'

Who's the hardest member of 5ive?
'Oh,it's gotta be me ain't it?I'm the oldest and wisest!'

When was the last time you went on a lads' night out?
'The last time I went out with a few friends,we all went to a club in Warrington.Would I say I'm a party animal? Definitely.'

Is there a famous person you'd like to slap?
'Several,but I'm not going to name any.'

What item of clothing would you never wear?
'Anything trendy.I'm not into fashion whatsoever,I wear what I'm comfortable in.I'm not into this wearing trainers with everything,you know,girls who wear trainers with skirts - I don't think it goes.'

Would you ever fight for a girl?
'Yeah,I have done it,it's sad,but I have.Somebody was making a move on my girlfriend that I'd been with for years.We went out and she was on the dance floor with her friends.I could see him hassling her and she kept saying, 'I've got a boyfriend and he's here,' and he kept saying,'What he doesn't know won't hurt him.'So I went over and gave him a slap.'

If a huge,scary fella started on one of the other 5ive fellas would you jump in?
'Definitely.We are really close,but for some reason me and Sean seem to have this connection,I hated him the first time I met him.He's like my little brother now.So if anyone jumped on him,I'd dive in.'

Do real men cry?
'Yeah,everybody cries.If a guy doesn't cry because he thinks it's stupid then he isn't a real man.'

Who's the hardest member if 5ive?
'Erm,Scott - only joking!Probably J,but he's going to get chinned by me one of these days!'

When was the last lads' night out you went on?
'We ain't had a chance because we've been working so hard.I'm a bit of a party animal,but I don't like going out for the sake of it.'

Is there a famous person you'd like to slap?
'No one.'

What item of clothing would you never wear?
'Punk clothes,I'm not into them.It's just not me - I'm not a punk am I?'

If a huge scary fella started on a member of 5ive,would you jump in?
'I'd smack him!If anyone touched one of 5ive,I'd kill 'em!I don't know whether I'd be able to have 'em but I'd have a good go!'

Do real men cry?
'Yeah.I can't remember the last time I cried,it was probably when the band moved into the house together and I missed me mates.I never said I missed me mummy!I said I missed me mates!'
