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Everyone's got their fave pulling outfit,but does it really do the trick?Here,the lads from FIVE give us their opinions - and boy are they honest!

First chick : She's bone skinny, wearing a pink button-down tight shirt with sleeves to the elbows.The skirt goes to just above the knees and it is dark blue or black and shiny.She has high heeled shoes with a strap and they are sorta kluncky and black and white. Sorta like a design on tiles.Oh,and she is holding a bag that is either light pastel blue or white.Squarish and small with the bag strap around her wrist it goes to about her mid thigh.

Scott:I don't like the shirt much; sleeves should be long or short,not in between.The skirt and shoes are all right,but the bag's really tacky!
Phwoar Factor: 4/10
She's Probably Called: Katie

Abs:This girl appears pretty independant,but I'm really not into the look.The shoes are OK, but the bag's awful!
Phwoar Factor: 0/10
She's Probably Called: Zoe

J:I wouldn't like a girl to turn up for a date dressed like this cause it looks as if she hasn't made an effort, It's just too scruffy.
Phwoar Factor: 0/10
She's Probably Called: Katie

Rich:This reminds me of a 70's look, and on the right person I think it would look really cool.
Phwoar Factor: 3/10
She's Probably Called: Julie

Sean:She doesn't look smart,she's just a fashion victim. I guess she looks OK overall,but I wouldn't like my girlfriend to dress like that.
Phwoar Factor: 3/10
She's Probably Called: Katie

2nd chick:She's wearing a long-sleeved turtleneck that is medium-dark orange and has got a design of lines going down it.It is sorta long and it covers the top of her skirt.The skirt is plaid with green and orange.It goes to her knees.

Scott:The top's a really nice style.I like the colour, although I think it would be even better in pale blue. But the skirt's just old-fashioned.
Phwoar Factor: 5/10
She's Probably Called: Sophie

Abs:I like the colours in this outfit;she looks natural and approachable.But the skirt looks like something she's borrowed from her gran.
Phwoar Factor: 2/10
She's Probably Called: Natalie

J:Yeah,this looks warm and comfy.The colours pretty cosy, too- it's good,casual Sunday wear.
Phwoar Factor: 4/10
She's Probably Called: Francesca

Rich:These clothes are cool.I like the jumper and the skirt's not bad either,but it wouldn't suit everyone. Phwoar Factor: 8/10
She's Probably Called: Lisa

Sean:I like the jumper - it's discreet and smart and it suits her colouring.But I'd prefer the skirt to be plainer.
Phwoar Factor: 7/10
She's Probably Called: Lucy

3rd chick:She's wearing a halter top tiny dress that goes to her upper thigh.It is pale pink.She has on sandels that are dark pink with the strap being blue and it's got pink styrofoam flowers on the strap.

Scott:This is too Baby Spice for my liking and the flip-flops are horrendous - they're all big and flowery.
Phwoar Factor: 3/10
She's Probably Called: Becky

Abs:I like this dress 'cause it's really cheerful and I love bright colours.The sandels are pretty dodgy though.
Phwoar Factor: 3/10
She's Probably Called: Sam

J:The dress is too short and too girlie.The girl looks too young to appeal to me,and flip-flops are a definate no-go.
Phwoar Factor: 1/10
She's Probably Called: Lucy

Rich:The dress is alright,but I hate those thongy flip-flops.Short skirts are great in the summer,but I don't like girls to wear them all the time.
Phwoar Factor: 5/10
She's Probably Called: Cathy

Sean:The dress could do with being a bit longer and I don't really like the colour.The flip-flops are awful too;they don't do her any favours.
Phwoar Factor: 2/10
She's Probably Called: Claire

4th chick:She is wearing a red dress with spaghetti straps.It goes down to her knees and has a gold design at the bottom.The red dress is covered be a see through mesh that has the gold on it so at the bottom there is the tiniest of just the see through mesh.She has this red madallion on too.In her hand she is holding these black shoes with red straps.[FIVE's Favourite]

Scott:The shoes put me off a bit,but it's a lovely dress. This is my favorite - she looks like Alicia Silverstone.
Phwoar Factor: 8/10
She's Probably Called: Sarah,but would like to be Courtney.

Abs:Another nice summery outfit and the shoes go really well with this one!I like the decoration on the bottom of the dress.
Phwoar Factor: 4/10
She's Probably Called: Tamsin

J:That's quite a nice dress - it's a good summerime look.She's my type of girl.
Phwoar Factor: 7/10
She's Probably Called: Sophie

Rich:The dress is lovely and the girl looks approachable. A cool autumn look!
Phwoar Factor: 6/10
She's Probably Called: Sam

Sean:I think smarter shoes would be better with this outfit.I really like the style of the dress,'though I'm not too keen on the pattern.
Phwoar Factor: 8/10
She's Probably Called: Sarah

5th chick:She's wearing red spandex pants with no socks and blue/purple tennis shoes.She has a light blue hooded sweatshirt with big fuzzy red letters on the front.

Scott:The jumper's alright and the colours are nice,but the shoes are horrible and I don't like the trousers much either!
Phwoar Factor: 4/10
She's Probably Called: Katie

Abs:I think the leggings are dodgy,but the top's cool. It's casual and I'm really into that.
Phwoar Factor: 3/10
She's Probably Called: Jessica

J:She's probably good fun but hasn't bothered dressing up.Her look is OK for chilling around the house.
Phwoar Factor: 4/10
She's Probably Called: Emma

Rich:The leggings are horrible,but the top's OK for hanging out.I'm not really into this look though.I like more elegant stuff.
Phwoar Factor: 3/10
She's Probably Called: Liz

Sean:Those leggings can skedaddle!I don't even reckon she likes them!
Phwoar Factor: 5/10
She's Probably Called: Laura

6th chick:Clingy black tee with yellow design.To the ground blue skirt that looks like the kind of material you make from windbreakers.She has "Scary Spice" hair,no socks,and blue tennis shoes.

Scott:The top's nice,the shoes are nice,even her hair's nice,but I don't like the skirt - it's too hip.
Phwoar Factor: 7/10
She's Probably Called: Sian

Abs:I don't like this!It's too funky and a bit wierd.I do like those wrap around demin skirts,though!
Phwoar Factor: 0/10
She's Probably Called: Catherine

J:I'm not into this outfit,'cause it's far too trendy. She seems not to have a mind of her own;I reckon she's a bit of a follower.
Phwoar Factor: 4/10
She's Probably Called: Tina

Rich:I'm definately not into this look either.The trainers are OK,but it's a bit too 'street' for me.
Phwoar Factor: 4/10
She's Probably Called: Mel

Sean:I don't like the punk look.The T- shirt's disgusting. I don't like the colour of the skirt and I don't reckon those trainers suit girls.
Phwoar Factor: 3/10
She's Probably Called: Gemma

(7th chick:Wearing nearly skin tight dark blue jeans with matching jean jacket that buttons down,but is unbottoned all the way.A very unflattering shirt that is white with lines across the chest.She's got white tennis shoes on. She is also standing funny with her thumbs in the front loop holes.

Scott:Someone ought to tell her the demin look's out.The basin hair cut's gone too,and the trainers just don't 'drop' with the outfit.
Phwoar factor: 2/10
She probably called: Debs

Abs:The trousers are too tight,the trainers too big and the hairstyle too freaky.I'm defiantely not into it.
Phwoar factor: 0/10
She probably called: Elrock!

J:Oh dear,she looks like a bloke!She looks hard and masculine and her outfit's rancid!
Phwoar factor: 0/10
She probably called: Rachel

Rich:Oh my word!I s'pose the demin jacket would be OK with something else,but not his.
Phwoar factor: 2/10
She probably called: Jo

Sean:Oh no,she dresses like me!Just get feminine,girl!
Phwoar factor: 0/10
She probably called: Plank

8th chick:She's got on red pleather pants (that are flooding)with a red tank top and a black pleather jacket.)

Scott:I really like the coat,and the necklace is nice too.I think the trousers are a bit too tight,though.
Phwoar factor: 7/10
She probably called: Kerry

Abs:I don't like this one bit;It's too pop-starry.I do like leather though,so maybe it's because it's red,not black,that I'm not that keen on it.
Phwoar factor: 0/10
She probably called: Natasha

J:This looks as if it's from one of those 70's shops. It's trendy, but in an old-fashioned way.
Phwoar factor: 2/10
She probably called: Zoe

Rich:I don't like these trousers,and I don't tend to like tops that slash across the chest like this.Curved necklines are nicer.
Phwoar factor: 4/10
She probably called: Sophie

Sean:Yuck!Red leather.D'ya know what I mean?It's just weird,and I hate that style of shoe too.
Phwoar factor: 7/10
She probably called: Laura

This article was typed by Erika Steele.
