-SuperTeen Dec. '98-
A Five Minute Interview With Five!
From Arista Records,comes a hip-hop/pop group ya gotta
love!With their hit single,"When The Lights Go Out"
climbing the charts,Five have proved they're ready to
take on the world!We caught up with British babes Abs
(19),J (22),Sean (17),Rich (19)and Scott (18) to see how
their (it should be THEY'RE) handlin' the fame!
What type of music do you like?
Abs:Ever since I was young it's always been Michael
Rich:I like Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder.
Sean:I'm into soul music like Marvin Gaye and the
Jackson Five.
J:I'm really into hip-hop and I like soul.
Scott:I'm also into soul.
How are you dealing with your new found fame?
J:We're still just getting used to it.
Scott:All over the world we're getting absolutely
massive,it's really weird.
Do you guys hang together a lot?
J:We live together!
What do you do on your down time?
Scott:PlayStation, I am a game-aholic!
Abs:I love my laptop, I'm always on my computer.
(ooh girls, look out he just might be on one of these
lists!! eek!!)
Sean:I just play my music and [go out].
Describe the other members of the bands.
J:Scott's like a kid...he will only eat fast food or
things like mashed potatoes and stuff... so he's always
tired,he has no energy and he's always making these
[silly] noises.Rich is the more emotional one of the
band, you can tell straight away what he's thinking by
looking at his face.He's a hippie as well...a modern day
Scott:Rich is very emotional.
Abs:J is the daddy.He makes sure we're up in the
morning and we're where we should be.But he's not the
boss,oh no!
J:Sean's not the laid back one of the band, he's lazy!I
do his wash and his ironing for him!But he's also got so
much common sense,he's like really old for his age.
Rich:Sean has strong opinions and there's no changing
his mind!