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Five on Girls vs. Guys

Fivesome J Brown,Sean Conlon,Abs Breen,Richard Neville, and Scott Robinson-----the voices behind the single "When The Lights Go Out" from their self-titled debut CD-----talk to BB about girls,guys and what they just don't get!

Who of you have wanted to pull your hair out over some guy who just didn't seem to get it?Like,he knew you liked him and you knew he liked you but for some reason he was a tad difficult when it came to the dating department---in other words,you had to call him to make plans,he always wanted to bring one of his friends along on a date or,better yet,he would have rather hung out at the arcade instead of taking you to a romantic movie.

Well,no one ever said relationships were easy,so we at BB thought we'd bring in a panel of dating experts,the British babes from Five,and have them draw their own experiences in order to give you the low-down on what they think many girls don't understand about guys in general.Whether or not you agree with what they think is irrevelant here---this is a select group of opinions!

"Guys don't feel the need to always tell you [how they feel about you],even if they're always thinking it,"J, Five's senior songster at 22,starts off.Wow!At least he's honest.But don't accuse this cutie of being cold-hearted.J tells us that he is totally "intense in a relationship."He just thinks girls need to sort of understand that."

As for shy-guy Sean,he feels girls don't understand that guys need to have a balance between time spent with a girlfriend and time spent with his friends."[A girl] will ring you up and say,'Do you want to go out or something like that?'" And you say,'well,I am going out with my friends' and they take offense to it," the 17-year-old explains.While Sean's words sound a bit harsh,you must read on."But when I'm with them," Sean emphasizes,"I treat them like gold.If it's a deep relationship,then I treat them like a princess."

Slightly flustered over giving his opinion,sweetie-pie Richard did the best he could,which in the end,was definitely the most girl-flattering view point of them all.Says the August 23 birthday boy (he turns 19!Have you wished him yet?)"I'd say,if anything,girls understand guys more than guys understand girls."Isn't that the truth!

It certainly seems so,especially for Abs,who claims he's been baffled by the opposite sex for as long as he can remember."Girls confuse me,big time,"amiable Abs,19, confesses."They've got this,like,language.It's something about them that I just don't understand.I've got a communication problem with females."

And last but not least,we've come to spikey-haired Scott's feelings on the matter."A lot of girls think that all boys are the scum of the earth,they do everything wrong, they argue and stuff," the 18-year-old singer says."But I'm not your average guy who plays the field.[Girls] don't understand that I just want to be a nice sort of bloke [that's English slang for guy]."

Well,there you have it.Five completely different opinions from five totally adorable and datable lads {except Ritchie}.Hopefully their words of wisdom about what they think girls don't get about guys will help you to better understand the opposite sex and establish meaningful,long-lasting relationships.If not,you gotta admit,it was pretty fun to read!
