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How you can help
If you would like to help out with this website their is few different ways to go about it listed below:
It might pay to read all of this page.

(1) Do you already have a Website that covers a certain place?
That is fantastic! Would you mind if I added a link to your site?
Would you mind if people emailed you with their ancestor's for you to add to your site?
If you answered yes to these questions, then please email me your name, the Place name and website and I will link it to this site.
Here is an example of Sue's site that has incorporated BDM' s for Creswick, Victoria. :

(2) To Host a Town with your own Website that dosen't already cover a place
If you already have a web site that doesn't cover births, deaths or marriages and would like to include a place not already covered, that would be fantastic! Seperate pages for births, deaths, marriages and burials is the best way to go, then I can link them under there appropiate headings on main page. You can use one of the places already done on this site as a guideline on how to set out the details of each person.
Here is an example of Peter's site that has a big interest in Kilmore and incorporated into their website:
This next example hosted by Gail is fantastic. Gail never had a website to begin with and decided she would like to add quite a few places. Here is the result and full credit to her:

(3) To Add a Town, but you don't have a website
The best places to do would be where most of your ancestors were, that's what I have done or you might even like to add the town you already live in. If you don't have a website or don't know how to do html that is fine. You can either do this in Notepad or Wordpad. I find that these applications stay within the spaces you want and is alot easier for most people.
You will find Notepad by going to:
Then click on Notepad, you don't have to worry about naming it something till you are finished.
Type in the name of the place you are hosting in the centre of the page.
Under that type in a brief history of that place.
Under that add your name and email address so people can submit their ancestor's for you to add.
Then put a line break ---------------- or ___________ , its up to you.
You are ready to add your information :-)
Put the year
Under that the details:
e.g. for a birth:
BLOGGS Joe Parents: Joe Bloggs & Madam Starling email:
Check out one of the places already done for further examples on how it is set out. Once you have added your information, go to file, then click 'save as', name your file something you will remember such as the place you are doing and what it is.
e.g. wandiligong for births - wandibirths
deaths - wandideaths
marriages - wandimarriages
you don't have to add the extension which should be txt as it does it for you.
You can then click out of it. To send the information to me, there is two methods:
Copy and paste into a email or send the file to me as an attachment.
To copy and paste:
Left click on your mouse and while still holding down, move over the text you want to send. It should now be shaded blue. Once this is done, right click your mouse on top of the blue and a list will come up, select copy. Then go to your email and click inside and right click and the list will appear again, then choose paste.
To send an attachment:
Open your email in the normal way to send a message, click on send attachment, choose file, a box will come up, find your file and click open, it will automatically attach to your email.
As more information comes to hand with people adding their ancestors to your site, it would be easier for me if you just sent the page, as that way i can just copy and paste straight onto the site page.
Any further questions, please email me.

(4) Want to submit your ancestor's to a site listed or this one?
If you wish to add your information to this site, then click here to fill out the : ONLINE FORM
When you click on a place of interest, you will find the hosts name and email address. Send the host an email and be sure to set out your details clearly please.
Put the name of the Place and State & whether a birth, death, marriage or burial in the subject line.
example: Wandiligong-Victoria, Births.
When sending information set it out as below:
BIRTHS: Person/yr/parents/email of submitter
MARR: Husb/Wife/yr/church if known/email of submitter
DEATH: Person/yr/parents or spouse if known/email of submitter
BURIALS: Person/yr died/ Spouse/Parents/ email of submitter

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards
Julie Clift.

Every really new idea looks crazy at first.
Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947)