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This site is dedicated to Peter J. McDonald's memory
as it was a very important project for him to have placed online
for all to search their roots from Scotland to Australia.

Highland and Island Emigration Society, HIES

The HIES Ship List information was generously supplied by
William "Bill" Clarke.

McLEOD         John           45   Horneval       McLeod of McLeod
   212               Mary           35
                        Murdoch       6
                        Angus           4
                        Malcolm       2
McASKILL       Marion         28   Horneval

P/N    £15-19-11 .  Strong healthy couple.

MacDONALD      Donald         40     Horneval       McLeod of McLeod
   213                      Effy              37
                               Donald         17
                               Allan            14
                               Donald         12
                               Angus            8
                              William           4

P/N    £23-0-11 . Fine man  good family.

MacDONALD      John           38   Lochans, Glenmoidart    General Ross
    214                     Flora          30
                               John           12
                               Effy            10
                               Duncan        7
                               Charles        4
                               Dugald         1

 * Received no aid. Mr Robertson guaranted the third in this case.

MacDONALD      Donald          38       Clash,    Ardnumarchan
    215                     Catherine      29                      Sir James Riddell
                               Angus             8
                               Mary              6
                                Jane              4
                                Peggy           1

P/N    £23-13-0. 
Strong healthy man- family well clothed & respectable appearance.

SINCLAIR       John           36   Ardnastang     Sir James Riddell
   216                 Ann            35 
                          John            4

 * No note taken.

CAMERON        Duncan         28   Strontian
    217                   Jane              24
                             Alexander       5
                              John              3
                             William          1

 * No note taken nor any record of the property. Not selected by Mr.Chant.

CAMERON        Allan          22   Strontian
   218                    Lillias         22
McPHERSON    Mary          24

* No note taken, nor any record of the property. Not selected by Mr. Chant.
217/218  not  shown  in 1851 census as being  from  Strontian áor ì surrounding district.

McPHERSON       John              42   Camuschoirce   Sir James Riddell
   219                      Catherine      35
                               Ann              17
                              Archibald      10
                              Jane                5
                              James            Inf

P/N    £11-13-9 . Strong able man, good family.

McPHERSON      John             38   Anaheilt       Sir James Riddell
   220                      Mary           38

P/N     £4-13-3 .  Eligible couple.

CAMERON        Margaret       55   Ranachan       Sir James Riddell
  221                     Hugh             26
                             Dugald          26
                             Allan             20
                             Alexander     18
                             John              15
                             Ronald          13
                            Catherine       21
                            Mitzi              28
                            Una               27
                            Donald          30

P/N     £35-17-3 .
A very excellant family. All the adults in service. Margaret a widow.

McPHEE         Catherine      51   Camuschoirce   Sir James Riddell
   222                 John            30
                          Alexander    26
                          William        18
                          Mary           22 
                          (In 1851 Census as Mary Cameron, House Servant)
                          Ann               1
                          Donald         15
                          Duncan          9
MAINE            Elizabeth      21

P/N    £33-0-0  Catherine healthy respectable looking woman.  Mary was rejected by Mr. Chant and was sent without authority   Has an illegitamite child.

CAMERON        Alexander      49   Ranachan       Sir James Riddell
   223                    Allan               9
                             Sarah            24
                             Angus           32    Laga
                             Catherine      35
                             Janet              5
                             Duncan         Inf

P/N  Alexander   £10-6-10 .
Angus   £9-15-10   Angus healthy eligible couple

McEACHERN      Angus            36   Salen          Sir James Riddell
   224                       Margaret       32
                                Mary             10
                                Kate               8
                                Isabella          Inf
                                Ann                6

P/N    £15-0-5 .  Poor looking man.

McDONALD       Alexander      34   Kinlochmoidart     Mr. W. Robertson
   225                     Flora             33
                              Mary              8
                              Catherine        4
                              Angus             2

P/N    £7-19-3 .  Good family.

McDONALD       Mary           50   Kinlochmoidart    Mr. W. Robertson
   226                     Allan            28
                              Donald         24
                              Mary            26
                              Mitzi            22
                              Peggy          20
                              Kate           18

P/N    £27-10-1 1/2   Very good family.

McDONALD       Angus          55   Kinochmoidart      Mr. W. Robertson
  227                      Mary           48
                               John           26
                              Roderick     24
                              Donald        16
                              John            14
                              Ronald        10
                              Mary           20
                              Kate           12

P/N    £16-4-3 . Hale man, strong healthy family.

McDONALD       Alexander      44   Kinochmoidart    Mr. W. Robertson
   228                     Mary             43
                              Alexander     18
                               John             15
                              Allan             13
                              Ann               11
                              Kate               8
                              Donald           5

P/N    £17-0-10 . Eligible man, fine healthy family.

McDONALD       Donald         43   Kinochmoidart     Mr. W. Robertson
   229                     Ann              42
                              Duncan        18
                              Hugh           16
                              Angus          16
                              Margaret     12
                              John              8
                              Ann             10
                              Flora             3
                              Mary           14

P/N    £23-13-0.  Strong healthy family

McDONALD       Alexander      48   Kylesmore      Mr.W. Robertson
   230                     Mary             35
                               John             13
                              Margaret       11
                              Ann                 8
                              Mary               5
                              Kate                1

P/N    £18-0-71/2    Very  fine  couple,  likely  to  be serviceable on arrivale.

McDONALD       Allan            40   Scardoise ,    Mr. Alex. McDonald Esq
    231                    Mary           36   Moidart
                              Archibald      6
                              Mary            4
                               John            1
                              Ann            72   Healthy old woman
                              Ann            29   Remarkably fine grown women.
                              Mary          24 
                              Alexander   37   Very powerful man

P/N    £31-11-11/2   Eligible couple.

McDONALD       Norman         62   Glen Uig       Dr. Donald Martin
   232                      Jane              44                       Moidart
                              Alexander      22
                              Catherine       26
                              John              19
                              Mary             16
                              Kate               9
                              Charles        55   Eligible man, said very industrious.

P/N    £44-2-7  Norman looks older, healthy eligible family.

McIVER         John             42   Glen Uig       Dr. Donald Martin
   233               Marjory        43   Moidart
                        Sarah           16
                        Mary           18
                         Jane           11
McLEAN         Jane           22   sister in law

P/N    £11-16-5 .   Eligible family. (John was a school master in Glen Uig according to 1851 census return.)

CAMERON        John            39    Glen Uig       Dr. Donald Martin
   234                    Mary           38    Moidart
                             Sarah          16
                             Hugh            7
                             John             5
                             Donald         3
                             Allan          Inf

P/N    £12-11-6 .  Very poor family.

McDONALD       John           43   Glen Uig       Dr. Donald Martin
   235                    Sarah          36    Moidart
                             John            4

P/N    £5-15-11 .   Personal appearance good. Eligible family

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