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This site is dedicated to Peter J. McDonald's memory
as it was a very important project for him to have placed online
for all to search their roots from Scotland to Australia.

Highland and Island Emigration Society, HIES

The HIES Ship List information was generously supplied by
William "Bill" Clarke.

Anyone wishing to obtain more information re: the "ARAMINTA"

The Araminta: 191 Highlanders 35 families (from the Estates of Lord Macdonald, Mcleod, Skeabost, Strathaird, Waternish, Lyndale)
Master: Captain Hutchison IN 1849
Rigging: Sail Ship; parts sheathed in felt and yellow metal in 1849.
Tonnage: 511 tons using old measurements, 616 tons using new measurements.
Construction: 1842 in Quebec; some repairs in 1849
Owner: Fitzsimmons, Port of registry: Belfast
NICHOLSON      Samuel         47       Gearriemore    McDonald
   5                         Isabella        40        (Wife)
                              Donald         16
                              Alexander    14
                              Flora            12
                              Patrick           9
                             Christina        6
P/N  £24-1-6
McDONALD       Donald         40       Feall          McDonald
     6                       Flora           33       (Wife)
                              Margaret    17
                              Catherine    15
                              Myles           9
                              Angus          4
                              Sarah           1   died 10th Aug. 1852
P/N £22-3-6
GRANT          Lachlan         34      Sconser
   7                   Flora             32       (Wife)
                        Donald           2   died 26th Aug. 1852
                        Margaret        2 months died 24th Aug 1852
P/N   £17-5-6
MATHESON       John             45       Sconser        McDonald
    8                        Rachael       44        (Wife)
                              Flora           12
                              Donald        10
                              Alexander     7
                              Christy          4
                              Mary          20
                              Jane           18
                              Marion       15
P/N   £32-14-1
McPHEE         Archibald      30       Feall          McDonald
   9                    Anne            35      (Wife)
                         Anne             8
                         Catherine       4
                         William          2
P/N   £14-10-4
 BEATON        Peter          33       Feall          McDonald
   10                  Anne           30      (Wife)
                         Anne            3
P/N £9-5-5
(Name Bethune same as Beaton. Beaton is more common now.)
BUCHANAN       Angus          24   Scorr          McDonald
   11                       Christy         28   (Wife)
                             Margaret        1   Died 7th Sept.1852
P/N   £7-5-8
ROSS            Charles        35   Scullamus      McDonald
   12               Catherine     31   (Wife)
                       Mary            4
                       John            1  died  10th July 1852
P/N    £9-12-3
GRAHAM         John           33   Harrapool      McDonald
   13                    Flora          30   (Wife)
                          Neil              1
P/N   £8-8-6
McINNES        John              24   Scullamus      McDonald
   14                  Margaret       47   (Mother)
                         Anne            12
                         Margaret      10
                         Mary            28
                         Lachlan        18
                         Catherine     14
                         Marion         21
P/N   £26-11-8
Margaret's husbands name was Duncan.
McINNES        Neil             40      Boreraig       McDonald
    15                 Barbara        38       (Wife)
                         Anne           12
                         Mary            4
                         Anne            1
                        Flora            13
                        Margaret      16
P/N   £19-18-6
Barbara,  nee  McAlister. Sister of Keith no 91, Alexander  143  & John no 144.
ROSS           Lachlan          38         Swordale       McDonald
  16                Margaret       35        (Wife)  (nee McRae)
                      Lachlan        17
                      William         15
                      Helen           12
                      Anne             9
                      Flora             5
                      Marion          1
P/N   £22-13-10
Lachlan said to be a brother of Charles No 12. 
Margaret said to be sister of Charles No 389
MARTIN         John            47         Lonfearn       McDonald
   17                  Arabella       46          (wife)
                         Mary           22
                         Marion        20
                        Jessie           18
                        Margaret      15
                        Abigail         13
                        Charles        10
                        John              8
                        Allan             3
P/N   £38-6-11
McDONALD       Donald          45   Portree        McDonald
    18                      Marion         43   (Wife)
                              Mary           23
                              Archibald     19
                              Christy        17
                              Flora           14
                              Helen          12
                              John            10
                              Donald          8
                              William         6
P/N   £35-0-0
(Son named Norman born to Mary, 11th Aug. On Mary's death certificate, said to be child of first marriage to Abel Foote.)
McKENZIE       Donald         35   Earlish        McDonald
    19                    Effy            36   (Wife)
                           Kenneth        3
                           Norman         9 months
P/N   £10-17-6
McLEOD         Alexander      40   Culnacnock     McDonald
   20                   Mary             35
                          Donald          15
                          Norman        13
                         William          13
                          James           11
                          John               7
                          Roderick        4
                         Hugh               1  Died 7-10-1852
P/N   £23-7-6
(Mary's maiden name McLeod)
McKINNON       Archibald      37   Camuscross     McDonald
     21                    Mary            36   (Wife)
                             Neil             16
                             Christy        13
                             John            11
                             Catherine      7
                             Godfrey        5
                             Mary           34   (sister) Died 16th July 1852
P/N   £23-16-0
ROBERTSON      John           32   Breakish       McDonald
     22                      Rachael        30   (Wife)
                               Flora           3
P/N   £7-10-6
(Rachel nee McInnes, died 28-10-1852,  twin sons still born  16-10 1852)
ROBERTSON      Angus           53     Elgol          Strathaird
    23                       Flora            53     (Wife)
                              Alexander    27
                              Angus          18
                              Charles        14
P/N   £37-4-0

ROBERTSON         Ronald         29
         23A                  Margaret       26   (Wife)
                                 Lachlan         2   Died 20th Sept, 1852
P/N   £8-12-9
Daughter born 27th July 1852

ROBERTSON            Ewen           25
   23B                           Anne           25   (Wife)
                                    Catherine      3   Died 19th Sept 1852
P/N   £8-6-6

ROBERTSON            Alexander      47   Elgol          Strathaird
    24                             Marion          47
                                     Betsy           20
                                     Charles        18
                                     Catherine     13
                                     Lachlan        11
                                     William          8
P/N   £31-19-2
McKINNON               John              32   Elgol         Strathaird
    25                             Catherine      22
                                     Anne            20
P/N   £9-4-5
(John brother of Lachlan No 93.)
MacASKILL              Donald          45   Borline         McLeod
     26                           Marion          40   (Wife)
                                    Duncan        18
                                    John             15
                                    Kenneth       14
                                    Peter           11
                                    John            10
                                    Ewen            7
                                    Donald          3
P/N   £26-7-7
(Marion's maiden name was MacAskill)
CAMPBELL              Donald         50   Borline         McLeod
    27                            Catherine      44
                                    John             22
                                    Mary           19
                                    Anne           17
                                    Christy         15
                                    Ronald         13
                                    Marion          5
                                    Janet             3
P/N   £29-16-6
McINNES               Alexander      40   Trumpan        Waternish
    28                         Sarah            38
                                 Christy         20
                                 William        18
                                 Catherine     16
                                 Anne           14
                                 Donald         10
                                 Neil               8
                                 Samuel          6
                                 Alexander      3   Died 13th Sept. 1852
P/N   £26-7-1
McLEOD               Malcolm        41   Breabost       Lyndale
    29                        Sarah            43
                               Mary             13
                                Kenneth        11
                                Malcolm         7
                                Janet              4
P/N   £14-3-2
(No's 30 and 31 used for emigrants on Medina)
McLEOD               Hector         50   Stein *        Skeabost
    32                       Anne            41   (Wife)
                              Murdo           20
                              Effy              16
                              Alexander       9
                              Mary              7
P/N   £30-19-0
McLEAN             Norman         45   Stein *        Skeabost
    33                     Marion           44
                             Peter               9
                             Mary               7
P/N   £15-5-11
McLEAN              Angus          40   Stein *        Skeabost
    34                       Effy             41   (Wife)
                               Mary           18
                               Donald        15
                               Janet           12
                               John             9
                              Angus           2
P/N   £21-7-9
McLEAN              Alexander      48   Stein  *       Skeabost
   35                        Anne             34   (Wife)
                               John              13
                               Anne              8
                               John               6
                               Donald           3
                               Mary              1
P/N   £23-14-6

* To be precise the above families were all from "Brae Stein"  on the road leading from the "Main Road" to the village of Stein.