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This site is dedicated to Peter J. McDonald's memory
as it was a very important project for him to have placed online
for all to search their roots from Scotland to Australia.

Highland and Island Emigration Society, HIES

The HIES Ship List information was generously supplied by
William "Bill" Clarke.

MARMION, 1852  Black Star Line:
The company was owned by Samuel Thompson & Nephew and among the ships they owned were - Jacob A.Westervelt, W.H.Harbreck, Ticonderoga, Marmion,
Minnesota, William Rathbone, Richard Allsop, Jersey, Nestorian, Sandusky,
Atlas, Enterprise, Ivanhoe, Silas Greenman, De Witt Clinton, Guy Mannering,
Shannon, Jamestown, Aberdeen and Lady Franklin.
Rigging: Bark; sheathed in yellow metal in 1852
Master: Captain Peat
Tonnage: 360 tons using old measurements and 388 tons using new measurements
Construction: 1838 in Dartmouth; partial new keelson & some repairs in 1851
Owners: Stringer & Co.
Port of registry: Liverpool
Port of survey: London
Voyage: none listed.


MacDOUGALL     Hector         43      Kilninian      Torloisk  Lord Compton
    155                      Ann             43 
                                Catherine      5
                                 John            7

P/N   £8-16-81/2
Fine looking man but seems poor & destitute

McLEAN         Hugh           49   Fanmore        Torloisk    Lord Compton
  156                 Sally            44 
                         John            17
                         Catherine     15
                         Donald         13
                         Archibald       8
                         Allan              4

P/N    £19-5-5  Good family

CAMPBELL       Sophia         57    Ballygowan     Torloisk  Lord Compton
   157                    Ann             27 
                             Hugh           32
                             Ann             29
                             Donald          4
                             Christy          3
                              Sophia         Inf

* P/N £22-10-1 Good family  Sophia a widow.

McLEAN         Archibald      41   Ballygowan     Torloisk    Lord Compton
   158                 Jessie            44 
                          Margaret        8
                          Neil                2

P/N    £6-11-5 .
Eligible man wife a good dairywoman Children healthy. Good family.

MENZIES        Duncan         42   Ballygowan     Torloisk   Lord Compton
   159                 Margaret       41 
                          Mary Ann     22   3 years a dairy maid
                          Jean              20   In service at Glasgow
                          Margaret       18
                          Archibald      16
                          Scotia           14
                          Duncan         12
                          Catherine      10
                           John              6
                          Alexander       4
                          Ann                1

P/N    £26-3-0 . Healthy eligible couple with healthy well grown children.

McFADYEN      Lachlan        28   Arinagour      McLean of Coll
    160                  Christy        27
                            Flora           2
                            Ann            Inf

P/N    £9-6-3    Eligible family.

BEATON         Angus          55   Dervaig,   Quinish   McLean of Coll
  161                 Mary           44 
                         Sally            22
                         Donald        17
                         Christy        12
                         Mary          10
                         Neil              8
                         Mitzi             6

P/N    £29-18-71/2   Fine Man Healthy children

MacINNES       Finlay         45   Grisipol       McLean of Coll
   162                  Flora         38
                           Neil           17
                           Duncan      12
                           Charles        5
                           John            2

P/N    £19-15-9   A very poor family

MacFARLANE     John            48        Tobermory,     Aros
    163                     Sally            45
                               Hugh           19
                               Alexander    17
                               John            14
                               Malcolm      12
                               Mary            9
                               Flora            4

P/N    £29-18-9 . Deposit paid into Bank at Tobermory Third guaranteed by Dr. McColl.   Very poor family

CAMMERON       Allan            38     Arivegaig      Sir James Riddell
   164                       Mary           32                         Ardnamurchan
                                Alexander     6 
                                Peggy           4
                                James           2
CAMERON           John           31
                               Catherine     30
                               Samuel        12
                               Alexander     8
                               Sally             3
                               Flora            6

P/N  Allan   £9-17-101/2  . John   £11-18-
Healthy family well clad & cleanly appearance.

McPHERSON      Hugh           32   Laga           Sir James Riddell
   165                      Janet           24 
                               Donald        24
                               Ann            30

£5-0-0 said to have been paid by this man in the list of Promissory Notes.
Eligible family.

McPHERSON      Sarah            43       Laga           Sir James Riddell
   166                      Duncan         23                           Ardnamurchan 
                               Alexander     18 
                               Ann              16
                               Hugh            14
                               John             12
                              Catherine      12
                              Donald         10
                              Jane               5
                              Dugald           3

* £15-0-0     stated to have been paid by this family in lieu of promissory notes. Sarah McPherson strong healthy woman, children healthy and well clothed.  Duncan is a respectable looking young man. Has supported the family since the death of his father.  P/N   £4-10-1

CAMERON        Hugh           39   Lochaline      Mr. Sinclair of Lochaline
   167                    Mary           36 
                             Margaret     13
                             Jane            10
                             John             6
                             Lachlan        3

 * Deposit paid into bank at Tobermory.  Received no advance.
Eligible couple, fine healthy children.

McLACHLAN      Allan            43   Dubh Dhoire   Mr. Sinclair of  Lochaline
   168                      Margaret      40 
                               John             21
                               Mary           18
                               Barbara       16
                               Catherine     13
                               Ann             10
                               Dugald          7
                               Allan             4
                               Alexander     Inf

 * Deposit paid into bank at Tobermory. Received no advance. 
Very good family.

McKEAN         Richard        30   Dubh Dhoire    Mr. Sinclair of  Lochaline
  169                  Isabella        28 

McKEAN         John           38
                         Mary           37
                         Eliza            15
                         William        13   (Richard & John McKean born
                         Isabella        9      Duddington, nr Edinburgh
                         Ann             6       Mary born Greenock)
                         Thomas       3
                         Mary           1

 * Deposit paid into bank at Tobermory. Received no advance.
   Richard said to be eligible young couple John good family

McLACHLAN      John           34   Lochaline      Mr. Sinclair of  Lochaline
    170                     Ann            27 

McLACHLAN      Hugh           36
                               Jane            36
                               Duncan         9
                               Lachlan         7
                               Ann              3
                               Dugald         Inf

* Deposit paid into bank at Tobermory. Received no aid.
   Very eligible couple. Children of Hugh Fine healthy

McPHEE         Duncan         27   Isle Oransay   Mr. Sinclair of Lochaline
   171                Mary            24 

 * Deposit paid into bank at Tobermory. Received no aid.
   Very eligible young couple.

McGREGOR       John            35   Lochaline      Mr. Sinclair of Lochaline
   172                     Mary           35 
                              Malcolm      10
                              Mary            7
                              Donald         5
                              Duncan        2

* Deposit paid into bank at Tobermory. Received no advance
   Eligible young couple. Fine healthy children.

MURRAY         Donald         21      Knock,  Morven
   173                  Flora          23                      Mr Sinclair of Lochaline

* Deposit paid into bank at Tobermory. Received  no advance
   Very eligible young couple

McINTYRE      Duncan         27   Isle Oransay   Mr. Sinclair of Lochaline
   174                  Sarah          18
                           Kate            1

* Deposit paid into bank at Tobermory. Received no advance
   Very eligible couple.

CAMERON        Donald         43   Tobermory      Mr. Crawford of Aros
  175                     Susan          36
                             John            14
                             Dugald        11

 * Deposit paid into bank at Tobermory. Received no aid Good family.

McDIARMID     Peter          48   Camusnangeall, Ardnamurchan
    176                    Margaret   48                         Sir James Riddell

* Deposit paid into bank at Tobermory Received no aid Good shepherd.

CAMERON        Hugh           30   Camusnangeall, Ardnamurchan
    177                   Christy        24                            Sir James Riddell
                             Mary            6
                             Archibald     4
                             Peter            1

 * Deposit paid into bank at Tobermory. Received no aid.
   Son in law of Peter McDiarmid   Very good family

McQUARRIE     John              36   Heylipol, Tiree     Duke of Argyll
    178                    Ann (Wife)    42 

 * No promisory note seems to have been taken in this case.

CAMPBELL       Colin             49   Iona           Duke of Argyll
   179                    Margaret      48
                             Mary           30   10 years in service as a dairy
                                                            maid and house servant in Lowlands
                             James          28   Has been in service  in the  Lowlands
                             Rachel         22   dairymaid & house servant
                             John            20   worked 5 months Glasgow
                            Margaret       18   dairymaid
                            Archibald      16   fine youth

P/N    £9-3-4 . Fine healthy man. Excellent family

MacFARLANE     Mary  (widow)  48   Iona           Duke of Argyll
   180                       Dugald         28   In service at Paisley
                                Ronald         24   In service Arran
                                Archibald      21   In service Paisley
                                Christina      19   Farm servant 12 mths. Fine woman
                                 Archibald      16   Fine healthy lad

P/N    £21-18-1 . Mary strong healthy woman

MacPHAIL       Hugh           29   Iona           Duke of Argyll
   181                 Janet            22    wife
                          Colin            23    brother

(Christiana McLean No 187 sister of Hugh)
* Received no aid.  Eligible young people

McDONALD       John             28   Iona           Duke of Argyll
   182                     Marion         21

(Marion sister of Christina McLean  No 187)
* Received no aid.  Eligible young couple.

McINNES        John           44   Iona           Duke of Argyll
   183                 Ann            44
                          Peter          24
                          Janet          26
                          Donald       22
                          Archibald   20
                          John           18
                          Mary          16
                          Sally           14
                          Anne          11
                         Dugald          9
                        Alexander      6

P/N    £30-18-3.   Very good family.

CAMPBELL       Colin          47     Kintra,        Duke of Argyll
    184                   Ann            48     Isle of Mull
                             John           22
                             Donald       18
                             Julia          14

P/N    £25-2-6 . Not very promising appearance on the whole a good family.

McARTHUR       Peter           45   Kintra         Duke of Argyll
   185                     Isabella       40                      Isle of Mull
                              John           19   In service Glasgow
                              Anne          21   In service Kilbride West
                              Archibald   17   In service Kilbride West
                              Dugald       15   With minister of Iona
                              Neil           14   In service with a crofter in south of Mull
                             Christiana   12   Two nice healthy looking children
                             Flora          11 
                             Mary            6
                             Donald         9
                             Eliza             4
                             James           2

P/N    £45-10-3  Strong healthy man. Very fine family

McPHEE         Donald         50   Kintra,        Duke of Argyll
  186                 Mary            50   Isle of Mull
                         Neil              30   Fishing in Arran
                         Hector            8    "         "
                         Catherine      26   In farm service, Glasgow
                         Mary            24
                         Alexander     22   In service in Lowlands
                         Angus          19
                         Margaret      14
                         Flora            11

P/N    £42-3-6 . Man looks old but is healthy and was employed as a day labourer. Good family.

McLEAN         Alexander      36   Ardfinaig      Duke of Argyll
   187                Christiana       32
                          Euphemia      11
                          Catherine       9
                          Effy               7
                          John              3
                         Isabella          1

*Received no aid. Rather too many young children but as McLean is married to sister of Hugh McPhail (181) and John McDonald (182) to the wife's sister, it was approved that the whole family might proceed together.

McDONALD       Angus          43   Bunessan       Duke of Argyll
    188                    Ann             28

P/N    £2-1-0.    Eligible couple