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This site is dedicated to Peter J. McDonald's memory
as it was a very important project for him to have placed online
for all to search their roots from Scotland to Australia.

Highland and Island Emigration Society, HIES

The HIES Ship List information was generously supplied by
William "Bill" Clarke.

McDONALD         Alexander       42    Rhea, Uig      Lord MacDonald
   264                       Mary              41
                                Flora              20
                                Norman         13
                                Mary             11
                                Christy            7
                                Duncan           4

P/N    £19-2-0 
Very poor family. a proper object for the aid of the Highland Society.

McPHERSON        Donald         35    Grealin        Lord MacDonald
    265                       Ann             30
                                 Donald          3      Died 1-11-52
                                 Neil             inf      Died 29-1-53

P/N    £7-19-6     Eligible couple

McPHERSON        Donald         28    Kilvaxter      Lord MacDonald
     266                      Ann             29
                                 Margaret       5
                                 Martin           3
                                 Neil            Inf      Died 29-1-53
McLEOD                Peggy          16    Sister in law of Donald

 P/N  £18-0-6   Very poor family, chief support shell fish. Ann & Peggy's parents Murdo & Marion McPhee

McKENZIE         John            37    Uig            Lord MacDonald
   267                    Mary           32
                             Archibald    13
                             Kenneth      11
                             Mary            7
                             Malcolm       3
                             Donald         1     Died 31-10-52

P/N    £20-1-9    Very poor family.

McDONALD         Margaret        30    Uig            Lord MacDonald
    268                      Catherine       15
                                Lachlan          18

* No advance- deposit to be accounted for by Skye Committee. Hard working industrious woman. Has brought up & supported by her own labour her orphan nephew & niece.

MATHESON         Donald          47    Glasphen       Lord MacDonald
    269                      Christy          40
                                Catherine      20
                                Ann              17
                                John             13
                                Angus          11

P/N  £19-9-9         Man small of stature and has suffered  greatly from  want  of food. Eldest daughter healthy eligible looking girl.

McINTOSH         Marian          43   Teangue         Lord MacDonald
    270                    Flora            20      Sleat
                              John             17
                              Kate             11
                              Archibald        9

P/N   £11-7-6   (Marian a widow) Has a brother in Victoria. 
Daughter has been in service.

McDONALD         Christy         46   Ferrindonald    Lord MacDonald
   271                       Alexander    21
                                Donald        16
                                Mary           16
                                Archibald     11
                                Keith              7

P/N    £25-16-6      Very poor family.

McDONALD         Janet           52   Romisdale       Lord MacDonald
    272                      John            23
                                Isabella       19
                                Effy            17    Died 23-1-53

P/N    £22-13-11     Healthy eligible children

McPHERSON       Peggy           40    Portree        Lord MacDonald
   272A                    Fanny           20
                                John             16
                               Catherine      14
                               Christy          11
                               William            9

P/N    £18-18-11       A very industrious woman. Good family for Australia.
Pegg's husband, Donald . Maiden name McDonald

MURCHISON        Alexander       42    Bernisdale     Skeabost
   273                        Catherine       35
                                 Hugh               4
                                 Flora               1     Died 8-12-52

P/N    £9-17-10      Eligible man.

McKENZIE         John            30    Struan         MacLeod of MacLeod
    274                   Marion        27
                             Ann             10
                             Mary           Inf

P/N    £6-13-8     Very eligible family.   Appointed constable.

McCRIMMON        Donald          33    St. Kilda     J.M.McLeod Esq
    275                         Ann               32    Died 25-1-53
                                   Donald            5    Died 22-11-52
                                   Marion            9    Died 22-11-52
                                   Margaret         6    Died 23-11-52
                                   Christy            1    Died 21-11-52

* Mr. MacLeod the proprietor of St.Kilda has paid for the outfits  and undertakes to pay the deposit. Donald the father Died 16-11-52

McCUAN           Angus           49  Heribusta        Lord MacDonald
   276                   Sarah            40
                            Donald          19
                            John              17
                            Christy          15
                            Murdoch       13
                            Ann                9
                            Flora              7

P/N   £28-19-8  Particulars  of  this  family recorded to show that age, is not always a criterion by which the eligibility of a family can be determined. The two lads aged 19 & 17 respectively are smaller of stature and possess much less physical power than many boys  some years younger. One  of  the  most wretched  families  submitted for ?inspection. Their appearance was truely appalling and their grief on being rejected most painful to witness.  Attention was drawn to the   condition  of  this   family   to  Mr. MacLeod of Kingsborough and a small subscription raised  for  them  by Miss McLeod. They were carefully  fed  for  some  time  and greatly ?improved in health and appearance and were permitted to proceed on the Priscilla.

McDONALD         Roderick        47    St.Kilda       J.M.McLeod
    277                      Marion          48     Died  14-11-52
                                Neil               15
                                Christy          18

* Mr. MacLeod the proprietor of St. Kilda has paid for the outfits, and has undertaken to pay the deposits. Parents of Catherine 244 & Margaret 245. Marion nee MacQueen  Roderick Died  11-11-52

McQUEEN          Finlay          58   St. Kilda      J.M.McLeod
  278                      Christy        50
                              Malcolm     24
                              Rachel        19    Died 6-11-52
                              John           13

* Mr. MacLeod the proprietor of St. Kilda has paid for the outfits and has undetaken to pay the deposits.  Daughter Ann remained on St.Kilda. Christy nee Ferguson

McDONALD         Neil              22    St.Kilda       J.M.McLeod
    279                      Catherine      51    Died 17-11-52
                                Ann              15

* Mr. MacLeod the proprietor of St.Kilda has paid  for the outfits and has undertaken to pay the deposits. Late husbands name Malcolm. Daughter Rachel married Lachlan McKinnon

McQUEEN          Finlay             44    St. Kilda      J.M.McLeod
   280                     Catherine       44    Died 21-11-52
                              Donald          18
                              Marion          16
                              Catherine       12
                              Ann                 9
                              Neil                 7
                              Finlay              4     Died 21-2-53
                              Mary               1     Died 2-12-52

* Mr. MacLeod the proprietor of St. Kilda has paid for the outfits and has undertaken to pay the deposits.  Finlay the father Died 20-11-52

McSWEEN          Donald          40    Camustianavaig  Lord MacDonald
    281                    Ann              44
                              Effy              15
                              John             13
                              Ann              11
                              Christy           7
                              Neil               5
                              Mary             1    Died 10-11-52

P/N    £20-13-6    Very destitute family.

McASKILL         John             40    Camusunary     MacLeod of MacLeod
   282                    Catherine      26
                             Mary              7
                             John               4
                             Catherine       2    Died 11-12-52

P/N    £5-7-4 
Very eligible man. Appointed  constable on  board the  Priscilla.

McKAY            Murdoch        50   Bundalloch     Mr.Alexander Matheson
   283                 Flora              50
                          Sally               26
                          Alexander      18
                          Donald          14
                          Margaret         8

P/N  £35-7-4

McLENNAN         Donald          36    Bundalloch     Mr.Alexander Matheson
    284                     Christiana      28
                               Mary               6
                               Margaret         4
                               Inf Born on board

P/N    £5-11-0      Son in law of Murdoch McKay      Eligible family.

McRAE            Farquhar        54    Bundalloch     Mr.Alexander Matheson
   285                 Peggy            48
                          John              23
                          Mary             20
                          Duncan          18

P/N    £23-12-8        Children very desirable emigrants.

McRAE            Catherine       50    Bundalloch     Mr.Alexander Matheson
   286                 Alexander      28
                          John              22
                          Mary             18

P/N    £29-0-2       Good family.

McLEAN             Duncan       34    Portree        Lord MacDonald
  287                     Kate            28
                             Ann               6    Died 3-12-52
                             Allan             3
                             William        Inf    Died 1-12-52
                             Janet           Inf     Died 29-12-52
MacASKILL       Rachel        13

P/N    £5-18-0 
Deposit paid to Commissioners   Reported to be a very industrious man.

NICHOLSON        Catherine       50    Achnahannait
    288                      Mary             19
                                Donald          15

P/N    £22-4-7     Good family.

ROSS             Hugh             40    Uig            Lord MacDonald
  289                Ann              42
                        Ann              19
                        Catherine      15
                        Isabella         13
                        Alexander     11
                        Duncan          7

P/N    £19-7-9    Strong woman, fine grown children.

STEWART          Angus           44    Hungladder     Lord MacDonald
   290                    Catherine      41    (Nee Buchanan)
                             Catherine      18
                             Peggy           16
                             Alexander     14
                             James           11
                             Murdoch        8
                             Ann                6
                             John               2

P/N    £26-2-5     Very nice family. Catherine, Peggy & Alexander, children of first wife Euphemia McLeod.

THOMPSON        Margaret        37   Matron