BOb's Thoughts
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BOb's Thoughts

Have you ever wondered what sorts of thoughts run through the mind of an invisible watermelon? They are probably just the same things that you think of all the time. And if you happen to be on the less interesting side, maybe they're things you never thought, but things you will be interested in. Hopefully, these thoughts will help you notice little things in life you never thought of before.

4/11- I can't think. It's too confusing. There are too many thoughts in the world. What if there was only one universal thought. We'd all have one brain. Then you'd be able to know what I was thinking, but I wouldn't be thinking, because we'd all be thinking the same thing, and that thing would never change. It'd all be a circle; a very vicious circle. Hmm... that really is something to think about. Wait, were you just thinking that, or was I? Oh no! Maybe this really is just one big universe where everyone thinks the same thing. Like dejavou. or purple butterflies. They are random. (now see, that must have been you thinking, because that was just way too random for me) or maybe it was you making me think cuz we share a brain. What if we shared more than a brain? What if we all had the same pinky nail? hmm... I rather like my pinky nail, and don't want to share it with anyone!!! Everyone else should cut off their pinky nail, that way it would be all mine!!! bwa hahaha! leave me alone to our thoughts now. Adios all of you freaks with randomly crazy thoughts!(wait, that includes me! I just can't win. arg.)

1/12- I think I need to think more. Actually, everyone needs to think more. Imagine, if everyone thought more, we would all be more knowledgeable. And since knowledge is power, we would all be powerful. But, since power corrupts and corruption is a crime, then that's not good. Because then we'll all go to jail, and the prison's will get overcrowded, so the world will end. Especially since crime doesn't pay. So the economy will fall, everyone will be in prison AND the world will end. ok. forget what I said up there. No one is allowed to think any more; after all, ignorance is bliss!

7/23-We all agree on things being green: trees, grass, leaves, etc. But what if the color green looks different to everybody? What if we have all been taught to call something green, but it may look different to all of us? Maybe that is why we all like different colours?

7/20-Greetings! Here is a thought: Cranberries are red. What makes them red? I suppose it could be natural pigments, which color the fruit, as chlorophyll colors leaves. Or it could be some kind of magic spell put on them to make them pretty. Hmm...what do you think?

5/5/00-Hallo! I've been thinking about lemons a lot lately. They are so mysterious. What makes them yellow? What makes them sour? If they can make lemonade pink, why can't they make lemons pink? And most importantly, if it rains, do sheep shrink?

4/7/00- My big toe is troubling me again. Just think, if we had no arms or legs or hands or feet we would be so much better off! We would never be able to hurt them! We could squirm through the soil like a yucky little worm and be quite jolly and good! Wouldn't that be fun? You would just have to avoid fishermen and science teachers preparing for dissections.

3/17/00- Hello! I am here! No need to worry! I am not dead. Just very busy. Well, here is a beautiful thought to think about. If everyone in the world hated one other person, and no two people could hate the same person, and everyone threw chocolate pudding on the person they hate, we would all be covered with chocolate pudding! And so you see, hate is not always a BAD thing. Merely an annoyance. Yum yum.

1/28/00- Apples are good. They don't say moo moo. I do though. And you do too!

1/27/00- If a chicken laid an egg in an unsuspected place, and then was eaten by a fox, and the chicken never came back, the egg would still be there, and so, you see, the egg would no longer have a chicken, and then, you see, the egg would turn into a chicken and, since it was in an unsuspected place, no one would find it, and so, if you don't mind my saying so, the chicken that just came from the egg, would be quite alone, and so, um...

1/26/00- If it takes two tennis balls to smash an egg, then it takes more than two to smash a much bigger egg. Or does it? That is the REAL question.

11/25/99- Oh my poor thoughts journal, it has so long been neglected, but that's okay. I have been very busy. But anyway, onto my thought: a turkey is to a human as a mouse is to a cat. If this is true, then what is the turket to the cat? The cat eats the turket to. Therefore, the turkey is to the human as the turkey is to the cat, and therefore, humans and cats are the same thing. No other famous scientist has ever realized this. It takes a very smart watermelon.

11/3/99- If everyone in the whole entire world donated a dollar to charity, there would be lots of rich charities and the world would be helped. If everyone donated a dollar to me, I would be rich!

9/11/99- CDs in a CD player spin very fast. Why then, do they not get dizzy? They spin and they spin and they spin. Quite unsanitlooby, if you ask me. If I were to spin and spin and spin, I would get quite disoriented and walk all the way to the Invisi Bull market with out knowing where I was to go, or where I had been, or things like that. It's all rather confusing. Perhaps if I stood on my head I would better understand it...hold on a minute..........Okay, I'm back I must say it's rather difficult to type while standing on your head. AHhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Sorry pardon me I fell and my finger got stuck on the h button. Greatly sorry. Well, I must go now. I'm going to work our before I have to go home and watch Binky Loo, my daughter. Wanda is going to another photo shoot for Dole.

9/17/99- Do you have dirt in your back yard? If you do, then you are very special. Imagine what life would be like without dirt. No plants. No trees. No grass. No mud. What would we do without plants? I don't know! We would all die because there wouldn't be any oxygen!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Dirt iss very sppppppecial. Dirt iss very speeeeeeeeecial.

9/29/99-Dear Devoted BOb followers. It occcurs to me that I have not ritten hear for a vary long time. This, however, is because Wanda has bin trying two teech me better speling. She went to school for almost a year, you sea. I thought that I had always been speling rite, but I supose she must be rite since she is Wanda. Anyhoo, I had this thot the other day about what would happen to the werld if there was no sky. Think about it. If there was no sky, there would be no sun, clouds, moon, or stahrs. That would be vary bad! Kry Kry. It is vary hard for mee two rite this becus I am afrayd I will make a speling mistake. I think I will go now.

9/8/99- It ocurred to me that my last thought was not very thoughtish, so I shall try to do a slightly better one know. A HEM *clearing throat* If blue jays are blue and I am green, why am I not called a green jay? This puzzles me greatly. Being a cannibal, I have also noticed that my insides are most likely pink. Does this mean that the inside of a blue jay is pink? And does a blue jay have seens inside it? Oh darn, my mind isn't working to well write now. DOH! Another spelling mistake. *Sigh* I think I will go renourish my brain. Ta ta, I'm off to eat a pomegranite.

9/8/99- Cuddling up to someone is a good way to keep warm. But whenever I get a wee bit cold and start cuddling up to Wanda, she screams and says I will mess up her makeup. This got me thinking, if ever someone was cuddled up with someone wearing makeup, would the makeup come off on them? And if it didn't, why not? I am very confused now. Ta ta.

9/7/99- No one has responded to my boot thought yet. You must dye. Your hair. Here is my thought- Trends are trendy, but then they become untrendy when untrendy people use the trends. I read this in a teen magazine. It got me wondering. How come as soon as I started wearing tight bellbottoms in the late late seventies, everyone else thought? And how come as soon as I started hugging trees and wearing tye dye, everyone else stopped? And how come as soon as I bought a covered wagon, they invented the car? And how come as soon as I became a watermelon, it became trendy to be an orange? I am left to ponder over this horribibble thing. I think I may cry. Please comfort me. Sniffle. Sniff.

9/7/99- No one has responded to my boot thought yet. You must dye. Your hair. Here is my thought- Trends are trendy, but then they become untrendy when untrendy people use the trends. I read this in a teen magazine. It got me wondering. How come as soon as I started wearing tight bellbottoms in the late late seventies, everyone else thought? And how come as soon as I started hugging trees and wearing tye dye, everyone else stopped? And how come as soon as I bought a covered wagon, they invented the car? And how come as soon as I became a watermelon, it became trendy to be an orange? I am left to ponder over this horribibble thing. I think I may cry. Please comfort me. Sniffle. Sniff.

9/4/99- Yeekes! What a scary week it has been! I injured my toe a few days ago so I haven't been able to type. But here is my latest thought: If a million people had one spoon each, that would be a million spoons. If a million people had one fork each, then that would be a million forks.If a million people had one knife each, that would be a million knives. Since most people have at least two spoons, knives, and forks, and there's more than a million people with silverware, that's over two million of each!

8/29/99- My good friend, Brandon, offered to send me some picture for my website, so I said, "sure." The next day, I received in my mailbox 113 pictures of frogs!!!!! I don't have enough space on my computer for that, I think! So I only saved a few which will be on my webpage soon. He sent me, BOb, the not frog liker, 113 pictures of frogs, and that means that Brandon is a

8/30/99-Boots are things that you wear on your feet. Shoes are things that you wear on your feet. Therefore, boots and shoes are similar. So should we call them the same thing? Please tell me what you think.
