Put this in quest.c where the other quest commands are defined near the bottom of the function else if (!str_cmp( arg1, "quit" )) { act( "$n informs $N $e does not want the quest.", ch, NULL, questman,TO_ROOM); act ("You inform $N you do not want the quest.",ch, NULL, questman, TO_CHAR); if (ch->questgiver != questman) { sprintf(buf, "I never sent you on a quest! Perhaps you're thinking of someone else."); do_say(questman,buf); return; } if (IS_SET(ch->act, PLR_QUESTOR)) { if (ch->questobj > 0) { bool obj_found = FALSE; for (obj = ch->carrying; obj != NULL; obj= obj_next) { obj_next = obj->next_content; if (obj != NULL && obj->pIndexData->vnum == ch->questobj) { obj_found = TRUE; break; } } if (obj_found == TRUE) { sprintf(buf, "I'm sorry to hear that you can't complete the quest."); do_say(questman,buf); REMOVE_BIT(ch->act, PLR_QUESTOR); ch->questgiver = NULL; ch->countdown = 0; ch->questmob = 0; ch->questobj = 0; ch->nextquest = 10; extract_obj(obj); return; } } else { sprintf(buf, "I'm sorry to hear that you can't complete the quest."); do_say(questman,buf); REMOVE_BIT(ch->act, PLR_QUESTOR); ch->questgiver = NULL; ch->countdown = 0; ch->questmob = 0; ch->questobj = 0; ch->nextquest = 10; return; } } } /* Email me comments or complaints to salem@limpbizkit.com */