Mainly this page is about 5 guys who perform a tribute show to the greatest group ever. The Backstreet Boys!!! The guys names are Marshall Dane, Joe Abbruscato, Paul Dinunzio, Mark Ghezzo, and Gary Laranja.
That's all for now, but in a while I will have pages up on each individual guy, just like I did for the real thing.
Check back frequently to see when it's all up. Don't forget to sign up for my egroup. Please remember to sign the guestbook and the slambook before you go. Thanx!!!
Well, since Backstreet won't be around for much longer, I will be making this page about i.d. and Marshall as well. The link below is for the official i.d. site, and when Marshall gets an official site up, I will link to that too.
I got some pictures scanned, but, unfortunately, they are saved on my friends computer, so I can't get them up until I go over there again. It could be anytime. I hope that you all check back every once in a while to see if they are up or not.
I have egroups for i.d. and Marshall, sort of like the Backstreet one that I have. I don't have links to them up yet, but the Marshall one is and the i.d. one is, so if you are an egroups member, look those 2 up. I hope to get lots of members.