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Katelyn Clowd

Name: Katelyn Clowd


Birthday:January 11

Favorite color:Blue



Favorite subjects in school: ALL Foreign languages, Gym, Science

Favorite food:Cherry Cheesecake

Cooks: Anything "Anything but Sushi!"

Favorite activities:Cardcapturing and cheerleading

Boyfriend: Aaron Dark


Weight:........(She was quite reluctant so we could never find out)

Uses: The Globe which turns into the Ice Rod (aka Marisailn)

Hates: People who whine when they lose.

To make the Ice Rod appear she says:

Ice Of Thunder,
Ice Of Light,
Upon this world:

To see what happened in the past she says:

Past Vision,
Words of Wisdom.
Pass them on to me!
Show the things that have been,
Or would have been....
TO ME!!!!!!

Favorite saying:"That is the whole point alright, to annoy!"

She is a very average girl and hates arguments. Only when she gets mad-watchout! She might freeze you with the Ice Rod! She and the new Cardcaptors live in the USA in Provo, Utah. She is very intelligent when it comes to science and foreign languages. When she gets in the right mood Marisailn sometimes helps!

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