Name: Hannya Syona (deceased)
Age: 14 (at time of death)
Birthday: May 17
Fav Food: Apples, Lasagna
Fav School Subjects: English, Geography
Likes: Cats, Egyptian myths
Hates: Sharks, Scarabs
Best Friend: Ceaira Syona
Hannya was Ceaira's older sister back in Cairo. The two were inseperable until the day a poisonous scarab injected it's vemon into her bloodstream. Because of this, Hannya died in her sleep. Ceaira has never forgotten her favorite and only sister, especially after moving to Reidenton. Like Natasha Avalon, Hannya watches over her sister and helps her out, like in Episode 5 when Ceaira was trapped in the Nightmare's spell. She is very different, because her hair is a natural sapphire blue color when she was born, which is later found out to be because of their magical lineage. Like Ceaira, she had magical powers of her own.